Microsoft’s Visionary Leap: The Future of Augmented Reality Glasses

AI Agenda
Antaeus AR
Published in
5 min readOct 15, 2023

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The Dawn of a New Era: Microsoft’s AR Glasses

Microsoft, a name synonymous with innovation, has taken a bold step into the future. On October 5th, they unveiled a patent for an augmented reality (AR) pair of glasses. This isn’t just another tech gadget; it’s a vision of the future where smartphones might become obsolete.

Microsoft AR glasses patent.

Google’s Stumble, Microsoft’s Opportunity

Remember when Google tried to make smart glasses a thing? Despite their best efforts over the past decade, high production costs and lackluster features led to its downfall. But where Google faltered, Microsoft sees an opportunity. They’re not just looking to create another tech gadget; they’re aiming to redefine how millennials and Gen Z interact with technology.

One of the standout features? A swappable battery design coupled with an internal charge storage. This ensures that users can enjoy extended usage, even when a charging source isn’t within reach.


A Deep Dive into the Battery Innovation

Microsoft’s patent reveals a fascinating approach to battery design. The glasses will feature a module interface on the frame, housing an electrical connector. This design allows for the battery to seamlessly connect to the glasses, ensuring easy removal and replacement.

For those who prioritize comfort, Microsoft has another ace up its sleeve. They’re considering a design where the battery is housed within a detachable earpiece. This means users can choose to go without the battery if they find it cumbersome during extended wear.

Microsoft’s Ambition: Dominating the AR Glass Market

While Apple grapples with technical challenges in the AR space, Microsoft is forging ahead. Their goal? To captivate millions of users who are growing weary of their smartphones. They’re not just offering a new gadget; they’re presenting a new frontier in communication.

Imagine a world where remote work is redefined. With Microsoft’s AR glasses, human interaction gains a new dimension. Productivity is no longer tethered to a desk; it’s as portable as the glasses around your neck or the backpack on your shoulders. And with the global AR/VR smart glasses market expected to reach a staggering $33 billion by 2027, the stakes are high.


Beyond Just Glasses: Microsoft’s Expanding AR Ecosystem

But Microsoft isn’t stopping at glasses. These AR spectacles can pair with external devices, from backpacks to necklaces. Earlier this year, they revealed a patent for an AI-powered smart backpack. This isn’t just any backpack; it can identify objects, perform tasks, access cloud information, and even interact with other devices.

The potential is immense. Detachable modules, ranging from wifi and Li-Fi to solid-state drives, can enhance the device’s functionality. Whether it’s virtual displays or user interfaces like touch screens and game controllers, Microsoft is envisioning a world where their AR glasses are at the heart of user interaction.

Collaborations and Real-World Applications

Microsoft’s commitment to AR is evident in its partnerships. Their collaboration with chip giant Qualcomm has been groundbreaking, paving the way for lightweight AR glasses that offer unparalleled virtual functionalities. Users can now virtually meet, projecting their images into each other’s headsets.

The practical applications are boundless. Take their partnership with German automaker Volkswagen. Together, they’ve pioneered the use of AR glasses in moving vehicles, leveraging the HoloLens 2 project to overcome mixed reality headset limitations.

And let’s not forget the military applications. After successful combat testing, the US army has placed orders for advanced AR goggles, further cementing Microsoft’s position in the AR domain.


In Conclusion

Microsoft’s AR glasses aren’t just a product; they’re a vision of the future. In a world where technology is constantly evolving, Microsoft is leading the charge, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. The future of communication, work, and play is on the horizon, and with Microsoft at the helm, it’s looking brighter than ever.


  1. What are Microsoft’s AR glasses?
  • Microsoft’s AR glasses are an augmented reality (AR) pair of glasses for which the company recently filed a patent. This technology aims to potentially replace smartphones in the future by providing a more immersive and interactive experience for users.

2. How does the battery system in Microsoft’s AR glasses work?

  • The AR glasses feature a unique swappable battery design along with an internal charge storage. This allows users to extend their usage even when there’s no immediate source of charging. The glasses will have a module interface on the frame, with an electrical connector that facilitates easy battery removal and replacement.

3. How do Microsoft’s AR glasses differ from Google’s previous attempts?

  • While Google’s smart glasses faced challenges like high production costs and bland functionalities, leading to their discontinuation, Microsoft aims to rejuvenate the technology by making it more appealing to millennials and Gen Z. Microsoft’s version also boasts innovative features like a swappable battery design.

4. What potential applications does Microsoft envision for their AR glasses?

  • Beyond just serving as an alternative to smartphones, Microsoft’s AR glasses can be paired with external devices like backpacks, necklaces, and belts. They have also explored AI-powered smart backpacks that can identify objects, access cloud information, and interact with other devices. Additionally, collaborations with companies like Volkswagen and the US army hint at diverse applications ranging from vehicular use to military operations.

5. Why are patents important in the realm of augmented reality?

  • Patents play a crucial role in protecting and fostering innovation in emerging technologies like augmented reality. By studying patent documents, researchers and practitioners can gain insights into technological trends, ensuring that unique ideas are safeguarded and can be developed without infringement concerns.

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