The Challenge of Client Modifications in UI/UX Design

Ankush Arora
Antaeus AR
Published in
3 min readAug 1, 2023

Today, I want to share a common struggle that many UI/UX designers face in their careers — dealing with client changes that can sometimes have a detrimental impact on our carefully crafted designs. As designers, our mission is to create exceptional user experiences that represent both the users’ needs and the brand’s unique identity, setting it apart from the competition.

When we embark on a UI/UX design journey, we invest significant time and effort in understanding the target audience. We conduct thorough research to gain insights into user behavior, pain points, and preferences. Armed with this knowledge, we passionately craft a design that we believe will make a difference in users’ lives and resonate with the brand’s values.

However, the creative process doesn’t end there. We present our work to clients with excitement and anticipation, hoping they will recognize the thought and strategy behind our designs. But, quite often, clients come with their own visions, opinions, and ideas that might not align entirely with our original concept. And that’s where the challenge arises.

Don’t get me wrong — client feedback is valuable and necessary. Clients understand their business and target audience better than anyone else. Their insights can enhance our designs and take them to new heights. However, there are times when changes introduced by clients can unintentionally compromise the user experience or dilute the brand’s uniqueness.

So, how do we strike a balance between meeting client expectations and staying true to our design principles? Here are some tips

Educate and Advocate

Take the time to explain the rationale behind your design decisions to the client. Help them understand how your design aligns with the users’ needs and supports the brand’s identity. This will foster a collaborative atmosphere where both parties can contribute constructively.

User-Centric Approach

Always keep the users at the forefront of the design process. When presenting client suggestions, evaluate their impact on the user experience. If changes risk harming usability or confusing users, provide evidence-backed alternatives.

Data-Driven Defense

Use data to support your design choices. User testing, A/B testing, and analytics can provide valuable insights to back up your design decisions.

Compromise and Iterate

Be open to finding middle ground. Sometimes, clients have specific requirements that can be accommodated without compromising the overall user experience.

Showcase the Difference

Whenever possible, create mockups or prototypes that visually demonstrate the difference between the original design and the client-requested changes. This visual representation can help clients understand the impact of their decisions better.

Iterate and Refine

Remember that the design process is iterative. As you collaborate with the client, continuously refine the design to find the best possible outcome for both users and the brand.

In the end, we are not just designers; we are also advocates for the users. Our goal is to create designs that deliver memorable experiences while reflecting the essence of the brand. By embracing change and working collaboratively with clients, we can find the sweet spot where creativity and usability meet, resulting in designs that truly stand out in the market. Let’s continue to champion user-centric design and create experiences that users will cherish! 🎨🚀💡

Thank you so much for reading and I hope I’ve provided some valuable information. And also if there are ever any questions or concerns regarding the content I’m writing, please don’t hesitate to reach out or leave a comment!

Much love!

Check out more of my design content on Instagram, Dribbble, Linkedin



Ankush Arora
Antaeus AR

Creative and self-driven UI/UX and Interaction designer. to create and deliver innovative design solutions.