The Dark Side of Apple’s Vision Pro: Unveiling the Dangers of a Dystopian Innovation

Karel van Oordt
Antaeus AR
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2023

A Wake-Up Call for Privacy, Mental Health, and Social Interaction

The new AR goggles are expected to be available in 2024 with a base price of USD 3499

Innovation often captivates our imagination, promising a brighter future filled with endless possibilities. However, it is crucial to analyze the potential consequences of new technologies. In this article, we delve into Apple’s latest creation, the Vision Pro — a pair of augmented reality (AR) goggles that blend the digital and physical worlds. While they may appear intriguing, we must shed light on the hidden dangers they pose. From privacy concerns to surveillance risks and the impact on mental health and isolation, this examination serves as a call to balance progress with responsibility.

Privacy at Stake: Ethical Boundaries in the Digital Era

The advent of Apple’s Vision Pro brings forth a fundamental concern: the erosion of personal privacy. With the ability to project floating screens onto our vision while simultaneously observing our environment, these goggles become a treasure trove of data. From tracking eye movements to recording surroundings, they raise serious questions about the extent to which we are willing to sacrifice our privacy in the name of progress. It is imperative to establish robust safeguards and ethical boundaries to protect individuals’ rights in this ever-expanding digital landscape.

Mental Health and Social Isolation: Unraveling the Hidden Perils

While technological advancements can enhance our lives, we must also consider their impact on mental well-being and social dynamics. Apple’s Vision Pro, with its immersive AR experience, presents a double-edged sword. On one hand, it offers captivating virtual overlays on reality, tempting users to immerse themselves in a captivating digital realm. However, this allure comes at the risk of isolating individuals from their physical surroundings and authentic human connections. As we increasingly detach from the present moment and substitute genuine interactions with virtual experiences, the potential for social isolation and its associated mental health consequences loom large.

Striking a Balance: Responsibility and Ethical Considerations

To navigate this new era of innovation responsibly, both consumers and developers must recognize and address the risks associated with new technologies. Open dialogue and collaboration are essential to establish robust privacy protections. Developers bear the responsibility of embedding privacy-by-design principles into their products, ensuring transparent data practices, and enabling user control. Concurrently, individuals must remain vigilant, understanding the trade-offs between convenience and privacy. Furthermore, society should foster an environment that values face-to-face interactions, striking a harmonious balance between the digital and physical worlds.

As we embrace the ever-evolving landscape of technological progress, it is incumbent upon us to examine the dark side of innovation. Apple’s Vision Pro serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining privacy, protecting mental well-being, and fostering genuine human connections. By embracing responsible technological development, we can shape a future where innovation coexists with ethical considerations.



Karel van Oordt
Antaeus AR

Switched Journalism to Software Development. I like to talk about tech, media, self development and mental health.