Why Apple’s Vision Pro is a Master Class in Product Launches

Nicole Lazzaro
Antaeus AR
Published in
20 min readJun 15, 2023


Familiar Yet Revolutionary

Having witnessed first hand over a dozen Apple launches such as the iPhone, MacBook Air, FaceTime, and now the Vision Pro at WWDC; I continue to be impressed at how genius the folks are at Apple at launching new consumer tech. So good that they re-ignited interest in AR, VR, XR, MR, etc. redefining the category as Spatial Computing and the next big thing. (Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Extended Reality, Mixed Reality)



Nicole Lazzaro
Antaeus AR

I help developers create engagement wi/emotion from the 4 Keys to Fun. TEDx Speaker. Fast Company 100 top women in tech. Designed @TiltWorld the 1st iPhone game