iMessage Sticker Packs —A cool way to share wisdom

Antarjaal Innovations
Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2017
One of the stickers from the Malayalam Pazhamchollukal App

Antarjaal’s mission has been to make people get new perspective on life by bringing people closer to their roots.

We believe that bringing them “closer to roots” creates a sense of belonging that makes the world a better and safer place. A familiarity prevails where everyone feels understood and appreciated. Language and traditions become important in enabling this sense of belonging.

The first few apps we created were to make age-old-tenets from different languages available to the world in the most easily accessible and contemporary formats. Each of the features we’ve built into our apps has been in this direction, to enable everyone to consume and share with ease.

The ‘Today’s view widget’, ‘shareable digital card’ and now iMessage stickers are all steps in the same direction.

Stick a witty response that’s passed the test of time

We are in the process of updating all our apps to have their own sticker packs. Few of them like the Kannada, Malayalam, Hindi and German proverbs apps are already out and available on the App Store.

Each app will have a sticker pack with popular proverbs optimally designed and where possible animated. It’s quite startling when we learn that many speak a regional language as their mother tongue but have either forgotten with time because English is what is most used, or have never gotten around to learning their native script because they did not grow and have primary education in their native state.

With these features we are trying, in small cajoling and non-intrusive doses to increase the face-time native scripts get in our users’ lives. We believe this will provide conversation and connection points between generations — bringing them closer.

Update : Visit our App Store page and check them out. Antarjaal Innovations



Antarjaal Innovations

Antarjaal brings age-old tenets from different cultures and languages in stylish new formats for the new age audience.