Ante hosts Blockchain Commitments

Explaining the Ante protocol

Ante Labs
Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2023


Web3 has a trust issue. Too many projects depend on unreliable commitments with no recourse when exploits or rugs cause catastrophic losses. Even well-known actors end up pulling the “trust us” card. Surely, we can do better.

Ante is a decentralized protocol that translates implicit trust assumptions (e.g., “protocol X is solvent” or “team Y won’t rug”) into explicit on-chain commitments: Ante Tests. Ante Tests are made credible via staked assets and can be verified in real time by anyone, paying out trustlessly if the commitment is broken.

These new on-chain trust signaling primitives form the potential building blocks for a decentralized trust ratings system.

How does it work?

The core pieces of the Ante protocol are:

  • Ante Tests = on-chain logic that verifies some condition is true/false
  • Ante Pools = 2-sided pools that people stake or challenge assets in, whose payout is determined by the result of the Ante Test

Staking/challenging activity reveals community trust in the tested conditions and can be used to impute a decentralized trust score.

What’s the benefit of using Ante?

For web3 project teams: Credibly signal commitment to your most important trust guarantees and earn decay fees off challengers! (Learn more)

For web3 users: Compare projects based on publicly verifiable trust scores or get paid out on objectively defined failures without trusted intermediaries (see live commitments)

For new web3 developers: Deploy your first smart contract and potentially get paid for it (view docs)

For security experts: Find flawed commitments and get paid to make web3 safer (see live commitments)

Ante: web3-native trust signaling

Ante can facilitate trustless alignment between users, projects, auditors, and investors — when there is shared skin in the game, it becomes everyone’s best interest to uphold the commitments defined in Ante Tests.

Additionally, as an on-chain trust signal available to everyone, builders can reference Ante Tests as a “trust oracle” public good, increasing future interoperability.

Making trust in the space explicit can help web3 reach its potential! Check out live commitments on the web app, follow Ante on Twitter, and join the Discord to discuss the latest Ante news.



Ante Labs

Building a Smart Tests Community for @AnteFinance