The handwritten erotic stories I found in my attic: Entry 3 - The Wedding Night

Rikke Kristine Østergaard
Published in
5 min readJan 14, 2017

Karlskrona, 25.9.1949

Dearest friend,

Thank you for the letter I received some days ago, where you congratulate me on my marriage. I will now sit down to write you some lines, with this feeling that is currently controlling me — your no longer untouched friend. Oh Maria, the language needed to explain the pleasure that is making me so happy is dangerous. Even in your wildest imagination you can’t imagine the amount of happiness that fills your friends body. If you could, you wouldn’t wait a second with getting your heart in chains too.

At 7 o’clock in the evening I was ready to say yes to my husband and I prepared the last details with an excited and fast-beating heart. When he came, he took my hand and kissed it and said that the wedding guests were waiting for me. The evening felt very long for me, however for the guests it felt too short. At last we said our goodbyes and my maid took me to my room. I spent about an hour getting undressed and prepared for my husband’s arrival.

Oh Maria, my hand is shaking when I try to write. I don’t feel ready for this, but I will try and give you a true depiction as much as my ability allows.

I went to bed and dismissed my maid, wondering what awaited me. My thoughts were interrupted by my husband entering. My heart was beating as he laid down beside me, and his touch felt like fire through all my veins, as it was the first time I felt a man this close to me. He put his hand on my breast and squeezed it gently, while kissing me passionately. Eventually he grabbed harder and an unexpected feeling ran through my veins as he touched the places I wanted him to. I was spellbound, as if I had lost my mind.

I wanted to remove his hand but I couldn’t, apathetically I let him do what he wanted. Carefully he moved his hands between my thighs, his intentions were clear and I did not fight it. I also touched his member; which was hard, glowing, and trembling when I grabbed it with my hand. Oh Maria, how can I explain the feeling that went through me?

You know how we used to watch the great bull on my fathers farm, when it ‘copulated’ with the cow, as it’s called?

You know how we used to watch the great bull on my fathers farm, when it ‘copulated’ with the cow, as it’s called? Remember how we imagined it was the same between a man and a woman? Imagine then my anxiety and surprise when I held in my hand what we longed for through all those quiet nights.

I pushed my hand back and forth, led by his movements. I felt how it grew bigger with my touch, and suddenly my husband got up and laid down on top of me, between my legs. I thought he wanted to play, when a sudden pain awoke me from the spell. I felt something move in my stomach. At first, I thought it was his fingers but as the pain grew worse and worse I wanted to move his hand. Imagine the horror when I instead grabbed his hard, fiery member which had forced its way deep inside of me. I couldn’t bare the pain, so I asked him to move and let me rest a bit. He laid beside me, shaking all over his body.

After a while he started touching my breasts and between my thighs again, whereby he tickled me so I felt a burning desire in my Venus. He got up again and immediately I felt his member between my thighs. Ever deeper and deeper he penetrated me. I wasn’t complaining anymore as an ineffable feeling of love overshadowed anything I’ve ever felt, and I felt a shock as he reached his goal. It was a heavenly pleasure as he pushed forward as a fiery warhorse. Up and down, faster and faster. As his impact increased, so did my desire. I held onto my husband with my arms and raised myself with each push so that his lovely member would go deeper into my body.

It was a heavenly pleasure as he pushed forward as a fiery warhorse.

Oh Maria, you can’t with your wildest imagination understand the wonderful feeling that ran through me. My eyes looking apathetically as I gave in completely to the amazing feeling my husband shared with me. We held each other, exempt from all trouble, despite that he had removed the linen fabric covering me even when I told him not to.

Overwhelmed with love, I fell into a deep sleep. When I awoke, I saw my beloved man asleep next to me. As carefully as possible, as not to wake him, I covered myself with the sheet. When it was done and I was convinced he was still asleep, I couldn’t resist the temptation to see what the object that had given me such pleasure looked like. Slowly I pulled down the cover until it was far enough down to where I assumed I would find the joy-bringing ‘thing’, but imagine my surprise when I instead of a hard, thick member; I saw a little tip. I could barely believe my eyes. Was this really the feared and even coveted penis? Impossible!

…but imagine my surprise when I instead of a hard, thick member; I saw a little tip. I could barely believe my eyes. Was this really the feared and even coveted penis? Impossible!

Slowly and carefully I took it in my hand, and squeezed it gently so that it started to grow more and more, this servant of love, until I couldn’t reach around it anymore. Oh Maria, how do I explain this wonderful thing to you. I don’t even understand it myself. Completely in awe of my own good fortune, I hadn’t noticed my husband until I looked at him and met his fiery gaze. It seemed he had awoken during my quiet moment. Instantly he closed his arms around me, kissed away my blushing cheeks, and started all over.

No less than seven times that night, I got to enjoy the heavenly joy.

Yours, Ruth

