Six reasons why you should use a Coach/Personal Trainer?

Jacek Schaettel
Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2017
Picture by Austris Augusts

Weather you are a seasoned athlete or just starting out there are numerous reasons why you should consider hiring a personal trainer. Here are a couple of reasons why working out with such a person will get the most out of you.

1. Provide you with an objective view

You might think you know yourself and you might be right. But there is nothing like another pair of eyes looking at what you are doing and making adjustments where they are needed.

2. Push your limits

Most probably your are training too much and too hard. This is one of the most common findings when analysing self-trained athletes. If your coach is good he will know when to push and when to take it easy.

3. Mix-up

If you train yourself or use any training plan from a book/newspaper. You might be bored of doing the same thing all the time. This is where a coach can come in and mix things a little without losing the big picture.

4. Motivate

Coaches come with built-in motivation. Not only are you investing money but also time into your workouts. Additionally, when working with a coach you need to provide feedback on what you did and didn’t, therefore you feel more accountable to deliver.

5. Transfer Knowledge and Experience

When working with a coach you think you are getting plans, working sessions, feedback, technique tips etc. What you probably don’t realise is that your coach is a person who knows how to get to where you want to go. Therefore what you are really getting is knowledge and experience.

6. Become a Friend

You and your coach are committed into the same goal. This will bring you together and more often than not will create a friendship that will last for years.

