2 // Afterthought

Antena Aktiva
Antena Aktiva
Published in
1 min readDec 6, 2016

It’s a curious thing Dr poetry I Think about her some times I had her banished She was too much Afraid of her sharp rusty blade she stabs and writhes Tastes like orange blood [spit-out]//I Preferred to die 2 thousand deaths to having to feel those verses inside me Alejandra and your chalkboard Schreech them nails The grave dig they//Simplicity and blackbird songs The Minimum story truth condensed The music of pain saves me.

| Umbrellas | x María Mora |

→→→→ In Conversations — 2016 ←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←



Antena Aktiva
Antena Aktiva

Traducciones Sudakas / RIMAS MUTANTES / Kachos / Gatunia // MUTANT RHYMES / Chunkz / Cat Tales