From Humans to Robots in the Workplace

Ashley Lenhart
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2018
Source 1

Robots are taking over the world and job market, according to some. There is worry over job loss as robots and technology become alternatives to people. According to this U.S. News and World Report piece, there is a lot missing from this story, and many others like it. As we discussed in class, labor and technology have many other players than are often noted. Regarding robots and/or technology taking over the job market. Some examples are:

  • Manufacturers of technology/robots for the jobs
  • Supervisors (and more) of those manufacturers
  • Employees who make the parts for the manufacturers to put together
  • People who create the metal and other components for the parts to be made
  • Those who extract material from the earth to make up the metal and other components
Source 3

Jobs may be created in these areas. The lives of these people may be positively impacted with a job opportunity, or they may be negatively impacted with exploitation and/or poor working conditions as demand rises. Whatever the outcome is (and it may be a combination or an alternative outcome) it is vital to study not only the American jobs at stake as robots move in, but also those jobs that may be created or jobs that may be affected but are rarely, if ever, thought of or examined. Labor, especially when technology is involved, is a complex web — not a linear path or a circular flow as it is often depicted. Instead, there are many more components than are typical explored and many branches, loops, and connections. Each part of the web is worth studying as flesh is exchanged, in some ways, for metal.

Source 4


  1. TheTechFeed. “These Robots Are About to Take Your Job.” YouTube, YouTube, 21 Mar. 2014.
  2. “Robots Have Been Taking American Jobs.” U.S. News & World Report, U.S. News & World Report. 2017.
  3. “Africa Mining: Will Mineral-Rich Countries Start a Cartel like OPEC?” The Christian Science Monitor, The Christian Science Monitor, 4 May 2010.
  4. “What Are the Facts on a Chinese Factory Whose Production Tripled after Robots Replaced 90% Workers?” Speeli.

