
Haaris Khan
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2018

The idea of what someone can do with computer science has been grossly mirepresented in mainstream media and many people’s perceptions are exagerrated. As a computer science major, a lot of my friends will constantly ask me if I can “hack” into something for them or fix all of there computer issues. I feel as if there is this stereotype that has been built of what a hacker is. I genuinely feel that anyone can learn computer science as most of it is just how to efficiently go about solving a problem. These methods of thinking that I have developed from my schooling can be applied to almost any facets of my life and I think that the stereotype of a hacker has been misrepresented. People think hackers are either saviors who are trying to end an institution by rebelling or nerdy people who have malicious intents. Hacking something just means to get another use out of something than the use that was intended. https://boingboing.net/2017/07/06/limn-8.html. This article discusses the Coleman article that we read in class and talks about the cries for different terminology in regards to people who code. Limn is a journal that is dedicated to writing about hacks and/or breaches that involve some sort of coding practice. The culture of people who use technology in terms of hacking should be further analyzed to properly see the insights and trends. I think there is a massive disconnect between people who code and people who don’t which means this divide can be bridged with more observations.

