Lets Talk About Tech, Baby

Samantha Berryhill
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2018

This week’s readings discussed the development of CIT devices and the effects they have on developing societal structures. Our reading, Circuits of Labor concentrated on the emerging necessity for a labor division devoted to technical middle work as a new function of society. Wajcman’s readings focused on the communicative interactions that have been altered because of technology whether it be at work, home or other social settings. These perspectives converge on virtual reality and blockchain as a factor of technology contributing to new social practices.

In the article, Blockchain and VR Lead a New Conversation in Tech, it discusses the potential communal interactions that are developing in the light of these technical devices. Virtual reality has become a potential source of experiences where one might be limited to their own happenings alone. In the production of virtual reality one could become an explorer of worlds, completely untethered from any cables, capable of experiencing a seamless simulation of any world.

Blockchain on its own is a protected database that keeps stored data and its verified updates. The combined tech of blockchain and virtual reality expands the potential of virtual reality to more than figment simulation. With the use of these technologies combined, one could share worlds via virtual reality. Both text mention the kind of social boundaries and practices that change because of technology but these potential developments may provide a more substantial reason for social change.

Technological improvements continue to proliferate but much is still needed in research and development. This equipment was built in response to the societal infrastructure of our digital practices, responding to our “truly digital and economically borderless” world.

