Technology Fluidity in Broader Application

Yingdong Wang
Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2018

In this week’s reading, we read about the fluidity property of the Zimbabwean Bush pump. In the reading, the authors attribute such fluidity of the object as a critical quality for boundary objects. However, in the era of internet and informatics, the fluidity of a boundary object can be extended further.

The first example is technology fluidity in the communication industry. The fluidity of a communication technology is instrumental in generating a fluid communication flow and a dynamic communication experience. In other words, it means the ease of a medium to transform it own information into various physical and digital suitable to various platform.

Fluidity in mobile technology may be one of the most exciting examples of technology fluidity in communication technology. As we are witnessing various businesses are finding their own way to join the mobile renovation, we could certainly hope that the fluidity of mobile technologies could lead us to a miracle in years.

While fluidity is not a property shared only by physical objects, recently people have also apply fluidity to the global workforce.

Across the globe, people are becoming more and more fluid in their life choice, especially in their choices for career. Facing with such development of fluidity in the workforce, industries are developing models that both respect the fluidity and encompass the talent and sparks that such fluidity of intelligence has created.

In conclusion, fluidity is proving to be a property that is critical to industries and technologies to survive in the new age of globalization and digitalization.

