Anthony Lodati Highlights 3 Life-Changing Ways to be Proactive in 2019

Anthony Lodati
Anthony F Lodati
Published in
3 min readMar 5, 2019

Being proactive is the ability to make things happen, rather than being forced to react to situations and events — and often in a stressful and frenetic manner. Anthony Lodati, the managing director of Advantage Capital Funding knows the importance of adopting a proactive mindset. He has spent more than 20 years acquiring and selling companies and is widely viewed as an expert in operations and deal financing.

According to Anthony Lodati, here are three life-changing ways that anyone — whether they are a professional, a student, a homemaker, or anyone else — can be more proactive in 2019, and get on the path to a better, brighter future for the rest of their lives:

Don’t wait for a nudge from the outside

Some people long to be proactive, but they keep waiting for a push or nudge from the outside. Anthony Lodati says that waiting for a catalyst to become proactive is a contradiction in terms. He continues that, by definition, proactive people are self-starters and intrinsically motivated. Naturally, they have a strong and positive support structure around them. However, they don’t rely on others to take the first step toward opportunities or solutions. They move ahead under their own power.

Focus on solutions

One way to be proactive is to anticipate potential risks and dangers, and shrewdly avoid them. However, there is another side to the coin that some self-described proactive people neglect: focusing on solutions. Anthony Lodati notes that proactive people don’t spend all of their time steering clear or real or potential pitfalls and setbacks. They spend as much time — if not more time — uncovering solutions, and creating opportunities.

Use SMART goals

One of the biggest reasons that people fail in their bid to be proactive — and it’s also the reason why over 90% of New Year’s Resolutions are doomed to fail within days or weeks — is that they aim too high, and ultimately set themselves for failure. The way to avoid this self-inflicted wound is to set SMART goals, which are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. Anthony Lodati says that when it comes to being proactive, it is important for people to be ambitious with their goals. He says that if they are unrealistic or put immense pressure on themselves, the only thing they will likely experience is disappointment and regret.

The Bottom Line

Anthony Lodati highlights that the most important thing for people to know is that they do not have to go “from proactive zero to proactive hero” in one day. All progress on the path towards being proactive is beneficial — including small wins, such as going to bed 15 minutes earlier each night and getting up an extra 15 minutes early each day to exercise, spend time with family, eat a healthy breakfast, or any other worthwhile activity. Being proactive triggers a virtuous cycle. The more proactive a person is, the easier and more rewarding it becomes — until being proactive is not just something that they do, but it is also a core part of who they are.



Anthony Lodati
Anthony F Lodati

Anthony Lodati is a serial entrepreneur from the New York region, and has been in the financial services industry since 2003.