
Call For Submissions: Lent

Send us a piece about Lent for publication in Anthrakian!

N. K. Carlson
Published in
3 min readNov 22, 2020


Photo by Ahna Ziegler on Unsplash

Anthrakian is open for submissions! Our goal with this is to essentially have a digital magazine issue. We will publish the best of the best throughout Lent. There is no theme beyond Lent. Anything that you feel is Lent-ish is worthy of consideration. Read on for more details.

Who We Are

We are part of the holy catholic Church. We are Christians who take the Bible seriously and seek to proclaim and live out the Gospel, the good news that in and through Jesus, God is restoring the world.

Imaginative Orthodoxy. Practical Theology. Thoughtful Faith.

This whole journey began with imagination. What did the stories in the Bible smell like? This is the sort of imaginative orthodoxy that we desire in this publication.

Anthrakian is not an ivory tower. The theology here is practical, useful, and helpful for pastors and parishioners alike. It’s the kind of theology that gets its hands dirty in the earth.

We value deep thinking and deep feeling. The faith found here is faith that will touch mind and heart. It’s the kind of faith that values loving God and loving our neighbor.



N. K. Carlson

Author. I write about religion, creativity, and leadership. YA Fantasy trilogy is out now! Subscribe to my email list: http://eepurl.com/gPIFRT