3/8 Early Thoughts

Lexi Yan
Anthropocene in the Medical Field
3 min readMar 8, 2018
Project Prompt
From talking to Stacie

Who are we targeting?

One thing that’s developed is that we decided a target audience. We’re aiming on medical professionals. After speed dating Tuesday and talking to Stacie today, I think it’d be best to develop ways to teach both the medical professionals and their patients to maximize opportunities of access and influence. After all, medical professionals only have so much control on their actual environments but they do have a lot of influence on of their patients.

What do we want them to learn/gain from this?

  • Understand the impact of their personal actions on the environment
  • Be able to identify how the environmental impact on personal health
  • Be more informed about the process/journey of everyday items
  • Knowledge about easy ways to be more environmentally friendly
  • Be aware of human impact/big picture

Why is this important?

  • So they can be better consumers, contributors, and influencers
  • So they can positively impact their community/the planet
  • To better understand the world around them

Idea 1 — A mobile app for patients that keeps them informed of important medical and general information

How is this experience playing out?

The primary purpose of the app is to help with aftercare. It can help them keep track of medication (how many to take a day, check off so they know if they’ve taken them from the day), record symptoms (and if they aren’t going away, when to contact a medical professional), and an easy way to keep track appointments/make new appointments. The learning component would be an educational tab/alert system that tells people tips about everyday practices and how they can choose products that are better for the environment/their health. It could also possibly be integrated with a lifestyle app/tracking menstrual cycles.

Where do we want them to be having this experience?

From the comfort of their own homes.

When will the learning experience take place?

Before and after talking to their doctors. Constantly but more focused on around when a medical intervention would be needed.

Idea 2 — Informational Cafeteria

How is this experience playing out?

Trash, composting and multiple recycling options that also inform about what process their “waste” will continue to go through and how long it’ll takes until it is neutralized/made into a new product. Monitor with waste/compost/recycling statistics of the cafeteria (and possibly the whole hospital) for day, week, month, year. Poster/pamphlet/screen with life-cycle information about plastic vs metal utensil, straws, plastic vs. ceramic bowls/plates, when fruits and veggies are in season. Breakdown of calories, protein, fiber, vitamins, etc by daily recommended amounts. Interactive food pyramid based off of what choices you make (ex: mac and cheese has servings of dairy and grains).

Where do we want them to be having this experience?

Inside the cafeteria.

When will the learning experience take place?

While they’re in the cafeteria, maybe a downloadable mobile or web app so they can continue that education at home.

