Antics of Dream Flyers



A poem of dreamtime flying, corresponding to the oral cues and illustration of Lensie P., 3rd grade, Poets-in-the-Schools.

Illustration by Lensie P.

Lensie, when angry, hits the ceiling
Lensie, really mad, goes through the roof
and rises like a helium balloon.

Unable to express his true feelings,
he can be nasty or aloof,
pleading, commanding, a buffoon.

He can’t take one more sneer or smear —
they’re not enough to make him ill.
That’s it, he’s had his fill!

Big as a dirigible, he’s in double-trouble
if he doesn’t let off steam.
The pressure is extreme . . .

this is overload . . . he’s going to explode!

“Apoplectic” originally published in Antics of Dream Flyers, © 2016 Margaret Honton, Sophia Books, Pueblo, CO.



Margaret Honton
Antics of Dream Flyers

Daughter· Scholar· Maggie· Gretchen· Margarita· Missus· Mom· Godmother· Doppelgänger· Occupant· Pearl· Divorcee· Megan· Poet· Patient· Marguerite· Dreamer