Antics of Dream Flyers



A poem of dreamtime flying, corresponding to the oral cues and illustration of Lynette S., 4th grade, Poets-in-the-Schools.

Illustration by Lynette S.

Lynette’s birthday gift was a canopy bed.
She’d never dreamed of such a thing —
ruffles all around, pink satin overhead!

What happened next was quite surprising:
When she bounced,
testing the mattress and self-expressing,

the whole bed trembled,
excited as she was, and lifted . . .
several inches off the floor!

What more could a birthday girl ask for?
That night the canopy bed began to fly . . .
up to the ceiling, up to the sky!

She flew from curfew
through the night,
right into the next-day morning.

“Gymnastic” originally published in Antics of Dream Flyers, © 2016 Margaret Honton, Sophia Books, Pueblo, CO.



Margaret Honton
Antics of Dream Flyers

Daughter· Scholar· Maggie· Gretchen· Margarita· Missus· Mom· Godmother· Doppelgänger· Occupant· Pearl· Divorcee· Megan· Poet· Patient· Marguerite· Dreamer