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Why the word conversing needs to be annihilated

Bad Daters Anonymous


No, I’m not conversing with you. 😑

We are not conversating — nope that’s not even a real word! Consider yourself informed, but also warned. 🤪

I don’t know what’s up with this word, but it just has the worst possible connotation and fails on many fronts. When a guy uses this on me, I desperately want the opposite — Get me outta here!

There is something to be said about diction and how to communicate. It tends to inform others of a person’s intellect in either a positive or negative way. Did I mention this word and any other variations of it are truly repulsive?

Word choices matter.

Choose simplicity when possible. Using this word on a dating profile is probably one of the obvious ways a person can hint to their lack of sophistication. It’s hardly a good idea to use “big words” incorrectly, so knock it off. Nobody cares and newsflash, it actually has the opposite effect.

Trying too hard to sound smart is stupid

Not only does it come across ultra fake, but it makes me question if you are a repeat offender of imposter intelligence. Look, I’m an art major, I get it, ok. People like us inhabit a particularly STEM-less existence, and in some ways it may be difficult to accept, but let’s try — to at least keep it quiet. Saying you want to converse with anyone just screams this!

“English is my mother tongue, but unfortunately I still don’t know how to talk.”

Aim for higher, actually become smart.

Read, write, stop resorting to conversing. No one wants to read this word, much less hear it leave your lips. Trying to sound intelligent never works. Just be you.



Bad Daters Anonymous

I’ve resorted to talking to anyone that will listen. This is dedicated to all the fucked up shit that happens to women in modern times.