How to choose Tech Stack for Mobile App Development?

Antino Labs
Published in
6 min readApr 22, 2020
Mobile app development company

Mobile app development is a mighty task. Choosing the right tech stack is very essential for making your app development project successful and rewarding in the crazy competition of the mobile market. A poor choice of tech stack can backfire the products.

Proving the technical mettle to the tech-savvy generation, it is very essential to have the right technology stack that gives life to the project and makes it scalable, maintainable and committed to the functional requirements. The most fitting mobile stack takes the less time and lower cost for the development of mobile apps with appropriate front-end and back-end.

We need to dive deeper and review the most popular and advanced tech stacks for creating top quality mobile apps.

In Native app development, apps are crafted separately by using different programming languages for different operating platforms such as: Java and Kotlin for Android and Objective C and Swift for iOS.

Hybrid app development is the blend of native app and web applications. Apache Cordova & Adobe PhoneGap and Ionic are two most popular hybrid app development platforms.

Cross-Platform Development is a platform to develop apps for different platforms such as android, iOS and Windows by using technologies like React Native and Xamarin.

Native app development

Native app development is a very essential asset to identify the capacity and enhance the productivity of your business online. It is widely known for startup companies and business combinations. Specific programming languages, development environments, software development kits are used to build native apps for different platforms.

Android App Development Tech Stack

You must understand the following mobile app development technologies if you have to build native app for Android:

  • Java
android app development company

Java is a widely used Android App Programming Language because of being able to handle large and complex native mobile app development. It offers rich libraries and development tools to the developers and is loved by them because of being a vast open source programming language.

  • Kotlin
android app development company

Kotlin is a new programming language that emerged worldwide in 2011. Android development is made easier by Kotlin as it speeds up the development process. It is open source, supports higher order functions and provides a fully operational Android App.

It is supported by Jetbrains company. Google also declared it as the second official programming language.

iOS Tech Stack

For creating native applications for iOS, Objective C and Swift are the major programming languages. These two programming languages rule the iOS app development. You must contemplate the following Android App tech stack:

  • Objective C
ios app development

Objective C is a highly approved and thoroughly tested high level language. Plenty of third party libraries, expressive message syntax and massive community support etc are some main reasons for it to be picked by several mobile app development companies.

It was commonly used worldwide for developing iOS apps before Swift arrived. There will always be a market for Objective C as Apple favors it.

  • Swift

Swift is a modern, top performing and trending programming language used for crafting iOS and OS X apps. Easy maintenance and code readability make it less prone to errors. It is a young age tech with many outstanding features like dynamic libraries, active community support, multi device support and compatibility with Objective C. Richness in features with better performance is making it highly preferred by the professional developers.

Hybrid App Development

Standard web technologies like CSS, HTML5 and JavaScript are used to create Hybrid apps which comprises two main components: native shell and back-end code. As compared to native apps, hybrid apps are less expensive and accessible on all types of platforms. Some popular Hybrid apps’ development platforms and languages are:

  • Apache Cordova and Adobe PhoneGap

Apache Cordova is a web-based open-source Hybrid mobile app development framework which helps to create cross platform apps. Apache Cordova provides very essential strength to PhoneGap. It was occupied by Adobe and relaunched as PhoneGap in 2011. A combination of web technologies such as HTML, JavaScript and CSS, is used to create applications that are native to iOS, Android and Windows.

  • Ionic
mobile app development

Ionic is an Angular JS-based open-source framework which is why it is highly advantageous. It empowers developers to create versatile and powerful apps. These apps are commonly developed in highly familiar languages such as CSS, HTML and JavaScript. It’s less expensive and helps developers to create, test and deploy applications faster.

Ionic also keeps some features of native apps like reuse of DOM elements. However, if you want some advanced features, you need to depend on plugins. In case of unavailability of plugins you may have to compromise with the functionalities or develop your own.

Cross-Platform Development

Cross platform mobile application development helps to create apps that can run across multiple device platforms like Android, iOS and the Universal Windows Platform. It is the process of building applications, software or services to run on different operating systems and platforms. Different technologies used for cross-platform app development are:

  • React Native
mobile app development

React Native is a highly successful open source JavaScript framework. It is loved by the developers for creating exciting mobile applications, supportable by both Android and iOS.

React Native has a long list of qualities which never fails to appeal to diligent developers and potential businesses. Its top most features are: faster and cost effective development, highly responsive, third-party plugin compatibility, cross-platform compatibility, better development environment etc which helps to create a class user interface.

  • Xamarin

Xamarin is a popular open source tech stack. It is used for developing modern applications for Android, iOS and windows with C and .NET framework. A test cloud is there in Xamarin to test the applications automatically.

A huge number of beneficial features are available in it such as native user interface, productive and high performing code, shared app logic, allows utilising MVC or MVVVM design patterns, vast community support. Being one of the top listed cross platform mobile app development it is considered best suited by those who are fond of technologies.

Wrapping up

Thus, choosing an appropriate tech stack that suits best to your project is a highly responsible task. Selecting it wisely for your mobile app development by consulting an expert can provide you a dominating presence in the web world and help you hit the moon.

We at Antino Labs offer the best mobile application development services. We work with the best and most suitable tech stack for mobile app development and ensure on-time delivery. You will be guaranteed to get your business as a well-known brand.

In case you want to identify the real capability of your business then opting for Mobile App Development will for sure do the trick for you: How to find the Best Mobile App Development Company?

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Antino Labs

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