Top Companies Using Node.js At It’s Core

Node.js Everywhere…..

Abhinav Singh
Antino Labs
4 min readApr 23, 2020


Node.js is an open-source JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a browser.

It was built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine with scalability in mind. But what is so interesting about Node.js that attracts more and more companies?

As Node.js is perfect for lightweight and fast real-time web applications. It is suitable for designing competition tools, chatbots, social media applications, and many more.

According to Stackoverflow, Node.js is among the most popular technologies.

Now let’s have look to some top companies that are using Node.js.

uses this technology for its application that is of remarkable importance. Their application is focused on keeping the lives of its astronauts safe during perilous space expeditions. This technology came after one of the astronauts nearly lost his life due to inconstant data hosted in several locations. They adapted Node.js which helped to decrease the number of procedural steps from 28 to 7!

“The system he is creating uses a microservices architecture with separate APIs and applications built in Node.js to move data related to the EVA spacesuits from three separate legacy databases to a cloud database. Now users can query that one database for everything, reducing the time to access a comprehensive set of data by about 300 percent.” — Node.js Foundation case study

In 2013, PayPal (the world-renowned online payments platform) shifted its backend development to Node.js from Java. This resulted in 200ms faster page response time and double the number of requests that can be handled per second. According to the company statement, the Node.js application was 2 times faster than usual and it contained 33% less code. It brought the much-needed cohesiveness and resolved issues at both ends.

“Node.js helps us solve this by enabling both the browser and server applications to be written in JavaScript. It unifies our engineering specialties into one team which allows us to understand and react to our users’ needs at any level in the technology stack.” — Company blog

Jeff Harrell, Senior Director of Payments Products and Engineering at PayPal

Technologies is an American multinational ride-hailing company offering services such as ridesharing, ride service, food delivery. Their app has been engineered by utilizing several Node.js tools and programming languages. Node.js is still a primary aspect of their company’s operations as it makes scaling up of resources a simplistic affair to accommodate the rising demand for their services.

“One of the things that make Node.js uniquely suited to running in production is that you can inspect and change a program without restarting it. So very few other languages offer that capability. Not a lot of people seem to know that ability exists, but indeed you can inspect and even change your program while it’s running without restarting it.”

Matt Ranney, Senior Staff Engineer at Uber

The biggest social-networking platform dedicated to business and employment also relies on Node.js’ as their trusted framework. Performance efficiency and scale were the two primary reasons for the company to switch to Node.js.

“We use a ton of technologies at LinkedIn, but for the mobile server piece, it’s ent

Kiran Prasad, VP of Product at Linkedin

is a well-known project management app that has found many users across the world. Trello uses Node.js for its server-side and as a prototyping tool for building single-page applications. It facilitated the entire process and helped Trello move in the correct direction.

“The server-side was built with Node.js. Node.js was helpful when the company was templating a tool for a one-page application. By the time the company had finished the prototype, they decided to stick with Node also at the server-side of the application.” — Company blog

In less than a year of the initial release of Node.js in 2009 yahoo had started using it. In 2016 yahoo became part of the Node.js Foundation. It was confirmed in a blog by yahoo that 75% of yahoo web application are node powered.-

“Initially, we used it for performing simple backend tasks like file upload. Since then, Node.js has become one of the top programming languages for developing new front-end applications at Yahoo.”

To know more about Node.js and to shift your backend development to Node.js visit Antino Labs.

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Abhinav Singh
Antino Labs

Digital Marketer | Specializing in SEM, PPC, SMM and SEO | Social Media Marketing