1 in 6 adult Georgians has a criminal record


Pass SB 288 NOW!

Simone Chérie


Update from the Georgia Justice Project:

Great News!

SB 288 PASSED unanimously out of the House Special Committee on Access to the Civil Justice System last night. That means it moves onto the House floor for a vote — after it passes out of the Rules Committee. We are closer than ever to making this happen, but given the unusual legislative session, we need to keep up the pressure to get it across the finish line.

Please call or email your legislator and ask that SB 288 be placed on the Rules Calendar and that they support it on the House floor. You can find out who your legislator is here.

Enter your street address with city and state. Your Representative in the House is the one listed in the LOWER Chamber. Click on their name to get their email and phone.

If you email, put “SB 288" in the subject line as they may not read the full message. If you call, you will likely leave a message with a staff member. It will be brief — don’t be nervous. You can use these talking points if you would like:

“Representative ___________:

My name is ____________ and I am your constituent in ______ (your city). I am calling about SB 288 to expand record restriction. Please ask that it be placed on the Rules Calendar and please Vote YES on SB 288 on the House floor.

  • A person should not be barred from employment and housing for the rest of their life due to past mistakes.
  • It’s time Georgia joins 41 other states that allow restriction and sealing of certain convictions.
  • The Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce and Coca-Cola and 74 organizations and congregations that are part of the Second Chance for Georgia Campaign also support this bill.

Please support SB 288 to support second chances in Georgia!”

There were some minor, non-substantive amendments added to SB 288 yesterday, which unfortunately means it will have to be voted on again by the Senate after it goes through the House. That is one more hurdle to jump over before the Legislature adjourns on June 30th.

Call or email now about the House vote, and GJP will keep you posted after that.

Thank you for your commitment and advocacy to get SB 288 across the finish line this year.

Now it’s time to take action!




Simone Chérie

Legal Reform Advocate and Perpetual Optimist. 👩🏽‍💻Grad Student @EmoryLaw.