Dealing with uncertainty and figuring things out — Ayo’s journey as a founder

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5 min readMay 25, 2022

Starting off with a degree in chemical engineering, going into banking and consulting, but eventually finding the right place in the startup world. Outside of work, Ayo has many interests: he’s a big fan of the Premier League, an avid traveler, and a future gin connoisseur. Read on to learn about Ayo’s journey to Antler and to founding Gomoto, a C2B marketplace for used cars that digitizes the outdated car selling process.

Could you tell me a little bit about yourself and your background in general?

I was born in Nigeria but moved to Ireland when I was five. I then started going to school in the UK from the age of 11. While studying for a Master’s in chemical engineering, I quickly realized that it wasn’t something I wanted to pursue professionally. I didn’t want to work on an oil rig and instead wanted to work in London. I was much more excited about going into business. Naturally, I did what every other smart graduate around me was doing and I joined an investment bank to get an early business experience before going into consulting. Then, I had an inflection point where I looked back and asked myself if consulting was really what I wanted to keep on doing. That’s when I decided that I wanted to jump into startup land. Initially, I worked for a third-party logistic fulfillment service for SMEs and I learned a great deal, probably even more than in consultancy.

Then, I joined Treatwell as a Strategy Manager where I was supporting the Chief Commercial Officer in a business development capacity, finding ways to grow quicker and more efficiently. I got a lot of international exposure at Treatwell as we were live in 11 European markets and had offices in 6. I traveled to regularly to our locations to support the local MDs.

After some years at Treatwell, I decided I wanted to do a stint abroad and I got the opportunity to become Head of Strategy at Movinga in Berlin. This was a very challenging but fun time for me, as I supported the CEOs in essentially a turnaround case, shifting the focus from top-line growth at all costs to profitability.

After just over a year at Movinga, I joined Zenjob as Chief of Staff in March 2021, where I was working directly with the CEO. This experience entailed my biggest lesson in diplomacy so far — to lead through influence as opposed to leading through authority.

After a year, I thought to myself that I wanted to continue to challenge myself and at this point, I felt that I’d gathered sufficient experience to give it a shot as a founder. That’s when Antler came into the picture!

Why did you choose to leave corporate and start your journey as an entrepreneur?

I came to the realisation that even the most senior manager is still just figuring things out. I felt I had a toolbox that would help me figure this stuff out as I go. I also realized that life is so uncertain anyway, and no amount of experience is going to determine whether or not you are going to be a great founder. For me, the founding journey seemed like a logical next step I had been working towards. I had built a strong foundation so far and I thought: “we are all human beings, if others can be successful founders, why shouldn’t I be able to do it!?”

Why did you decide to join Antler?

I found the program and immediately thought: “this is great!” I was getting the value proposition that I was looking for as a first-time founder, including help to find the right team and facilitation of access to capital, not mention the great network of advisors. Fortunately, after I submitted my application I got an interview with Sarah — she got back to me very quickly. We scheduled an interview while I was in Tanzania for the Christmas holiday. In the end, since I applied to both Antler and Entrepreneur First, I was fortunate enough to have gotten an offer for both. I ended up leaning towards Antler because I felt that they would better be able to support me on those three previously mentioned criteria.

What are some of your passions, both professionally and personally?

I have a passion for business development. And it might sound weird, but I’ve worked in really unrelated industries doing banking, consulting, logistics, hair and beauty, relocations, and finally temp staffing. But there is a connecting thread — the business development aspect. Obviously, some problems are harder to fall in love with than others — but once I’m in, I’m in.

On a personal note, I’m a big sports fan. Unfortunately, I haven’t played too many sports after my second knee injury, but I like to watch football. Specifically, I’m a fan of the Premier League, where you have a different team every year fighting for the championship. That’s unlike Germany, where you can bet your house that Bayern Munich will win the league. Other than watching sports, I enjoy going to the gym and I’ve recently picked up the tennis bug.

I really enjoy traveling and exploring different countries and their cultures as well as occasionally just lying on the beach with a really fantastic view and just unplugging from the stresses of life. Finally, my new hobby I started recently with my girlfriend is gin tasting. I wouldn’t say I am a connoisseur but I can probably differentiate the bad from the good gin — that’s where I am at.

Who knows you best and what would that person think about your decision to join Antler, taking the entrepreneur route?

My girlfriend probably knows me best. We live together, so she has the misfortune of hearing many of my frustrations and thoughts. She sees me as a very ambitious person. And ambition is great, but it can also make you very impatient in a very corporate career. This is probably part of the frustrations she heard the most from me. She would think that it is best if I do my own thing rather than trying to be happy working for somebody else. She would say taking the entrepreneur route makes complete sense for me because it will make me a more fulfilled person.

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