Founders of 5 mental health startups share their advice for those looking to improve their wellbeing

Karolina Szweda
Published in
5 min readOct 9, 2021

I’ve been exploring mental health practices for a while but nothing accelerated my mental health journey more than the year 2020.

Needless to say, the global pandemic had a profound impact on the mental health of many. And even though today, in the twilight of 2021, in some parts of the world the pandemic is pretty much over, it is crucial to be aware of and apply good mental health practices to improve our wellbeing in the long term.

I’m proud that Antler, an early stage venture capital firm where I work as a Global Marketing Associate, invested in several companies that are tackling mental health. I’ve compiled advice from some of them — Stockholm-based VoiceHER, London-based Blueheart and Kalda, Singapore-based Innade, and Berlin-based clare&me — for those looking to improve their wellbeing.

Here’s what the founders had to say.

Make real connections in the age of social media

VoiceHER is the world’s first voice-based community for womxn, that prioritizes feelings, thoughts and reflections, above appearance or other visual distractions. VoiceHER is your daily companion as you navigate through the ups and downs of your life.

“Sharing your story and making a real, authentic connection in the age of social media is key. Connection, awareness, insight and purpose, are essential for a healthy mind.” — VIKTORIA ELMAN, FOUNDER & CEO OF VOICEHER

Viktoria Elman, founder & CEO of VoiceHER

Nurture your relationships

Blueheart provides human-free digital sex therapy for people to overcome sexual issues for good. They offer the tools and strategies to help people break the frustrating circles that never stop, so you can turn your relationship pain into the happiness it once was.

“Romantic relationships are our greatest source of happiness, but consequently our greatest source of pain and can define our mental wellbeing. Having a healthy enduring relationship takes effort and the right strategies for you to overcome the inevitable challenges you’ll face. You can start by carving out dedicated time for intimacy with your partner, instead of relying on spontaneous making out when you’re not in the right mindset.” — SACHIN RAOUL, CO-FOUNDER & CEO OF BLUEHEART

Robbie Coomber (co-founder & CTO of Blueheart), Sachin Raoul (co-founder & CEO of Blueheart)

Check in with your supportive community

Kalda is a mental wellbeing app for the LGBTQIA+ community for people to get group therapy, get accountable, and get it together.

“Having a supportive community is probably the single best thing you can do for your mental health, so that’s what we’ve set out to do with Kalda. It can start as simple as your group of friends, get talking and be more open about mental health. Just like our physical health, we all have mental health.” — DANIEL BOTCHERBY, CO-FOUNDER & CEO OF KALDA

Al Dee (co-founder & CTO of Kalda), Charlotte Fountain (co-founder & CPO of Kalda), Daniel Botcherby (co-founder & CEO of Kalda)

Equip yourself with a toolkit to deal with everyday stress and anxiety

Innade is a coaching platform that partners with companies to offer leadership and performance coaching to their employees. Over 90% of professionals have sensitive issues they need external help with and Innade helps them achieve their full potential by getting them the help they need from certified coaches.

“Mental health isn’t something you just focus on when there’s a problem. The same way we take care of our bodies through a nutritious diet, exercising, etc as healthy habits, mental health is also about healthy habits and training your mind to be fit. Events in our personal and professional lives have an impact on our mental wellbeing. It’s about equipping yourself with a toolkit to deal with everyday stress and anxiety in today’s demanding professional setup.” - MELVIN LIM AND AYUSH AHUJA, CO-FOUNDERS OF INNADE

Melvin Lim and Ayush Ahuja, co-founders of Innade

Use tech products to improve mental health

Berlin-based clare&me is an AI-powered therapy phone bot, offering a tech-first solution that leverages voice recognition to combine tech with a human component. The product built by Emilia Theye and Celina Messner is starting a new era of therapy.

“The demand for mental health is increasing but humans alone cannot prevent a mental health crisis. We need to leverage tech to bridge the gap and allow everyone access to mental health support anywhere, at any time and, most of all, stigma-free.” - EMILIA THEYE, CO-FOUNDER OF CLARE&ME

Emilia Theye and Celina Messner, co-founders of clare&me

From making real connections, to nurturing existing relationships and equipping yourself with useful tools to deal with mental health issues, there are many ways to improve your mental wellbeing. Try and see what works for you, and feel free to share your best practices with me!

This article was written by Karolina Szweda, Global Marketing Associate at Antler.

Are you a physician, a therapist, a researcher or someone that seeks to improve the mental health of people? Antler can help you speed up your startup journey! Head over to our website to learn how Antler can support you in making a big impact.

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Karolina Szweda
Writer for

Global Marketing Associate at Antler | Early-stage VC