Interactive coding platform Codedamn raises pre-seed funding from Antler India

Founded by 22-year-old hacker and coding influencer Mehul Mohan, the startup is making industry-level coding skills accessible and solving for interactive learning at scale.

3 min readJul 8, 2021


Codedamn is a new-age, interactive learn-to-code platform. Founder Mehul Mohan started Codedamn with one key intuition: while there was abundant coding content on the Internet, no platforms offered the comprehensive hands-on practice that enforces real coding skills. With Codedamn, first-time coders and experienced developers learn, practice, build projects and get instant feedback in real-time. By combining educational content with a real-time coding environment and an interactive browser IDE for hands-on practice, Codedamn is solving interactivity at scale for the 100 million people around the world learning to code better.

Founded in 2020 by 22-year-old entrepreneur and BITS Pilani graduate Mehul Mohan, Codedamn is on a mission to revolutionize how people acquire new-age technology skills. Mehul, a self-taught developer, has been coding since he was 12-years-old. He has also authored technical books and is an industry influencer with 20M+ views and 150k+ subscribers on his own coding education Youtube channel. Codedamn is fundamentally a platform that Mehul wished he himself had when he started coding. Now, the platform is rapidly evolving into the larger vision of being the one-stop-destination for learning ‘everything tech’ in the most fun, immersive and impactful way. Codedamn, which is in beta, already has tens of thousands of registered users, and paying users from over 60 countries across the world.

Mehul Mohan, Founder, Codedamn, says “We are changing how people learn to code. Traditional coding bootcamps provide high quality education, however they are expensive and accessible only to a few. On the other hand, free internet-based learning means poor quality control, unclear structures and lack of practice sessions. Yet programming is best learned when you implement things as you’re learning, and not after. Our highly interactive coursework and live projects close the gap between theory and practice. Imagine learning about blockchain and deploying your first smart contract right as your course progresses!”

Codedamn has leveraged recent advances in browser technology to develop highly optimized yet lightweight software that provides on-demand environments for learners to practice and collaborate. Users are able to complete structured tasks, which are then auto-checked and processed along with real-time feedback. The platform not only helps users master industry-ready tech skills in an interactive way, but also helps them build portfolios and showcase their proof of work to recruiters in a seamless manner.

Codedamn will use the investment to scale its tech-infrastructure and collaborate with top instructors to develop new learning verticals.

Rajiv Srivatsa, Partner at Antler, added, “Codedamn is a grassroots solution for developing tech-talent at global scale, cutting across backgrounds, infrastructure availability, and accessibility. Choosing to be a technology specialist means signing up for continuous, lifelong learning. As technologies continue to develop, and new opportunities grow at an accelerating place, Codedamn has the potential to play the role of an enabler and an incubator within the global digital economy.”

Read more about Codedamn on YourStory

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