Taking climate action: Antler set to launch sustainable tech-focused platform in Denmark

Livia Moore
Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2021

We must act now before it’s too late. The message from the IPCC’s latest report around climate change is loud and clear.

According to the report, we’re predicted to see a rise in temperature of 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2030 — a whole decade earlier than previously estimated by the IPCC merely three years ago.

It says humans have, unequivocally, warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land. This is evident in the recent conclusions by scientists who say the disastrous heatwave in Canada recently would have been “virtually impossible” without the influence of climate change.

“It has been clear for decades that the Earth’s climate is changing, and the role of human influence on the climate system is undisputed,” Masson-Delmotte, Co-Chair, Working Group I, IPCC

This rise in temperature is also causing sea levels to rise faster than ever before. Previously driven by glacier melt, scientists now say that melting sea ice in the polar regions, especially Greenland, is the biggest contributor for rising sea levels , causing concern about the impact that will have on coastal flooding and erosion in the future, particularly the frequency of extreme events which could happen every year by the end of this century.

If current conditions remain unchanged, and the earth continues to increase in temperature, and once the permafrost has melted, scientists say we will have reached a tipping point that cannot be undone, triggering a cascade of other climate instabilities. “Loss of permafrost carbon following permafrost thaw is irreversible at centennial timescales,” says the report.

However, this is not the time to feel despondent about the future. It’s of utmost importance that the international community as a whole — governments; companies as well as individuals — come together in taking action. No silver bullet solution will fix the challenges we face.

At Antler, we believe building sustainable tech companies is part of the solution. This is why we are launching a new branch in Copenhagen focused specifically on sustainable and green tech, starting August 30th this year.

A global sustainability center, Denmark has been at the forefront of innovative industries such as cleantech, food and agricultural tech and wind power, to name a few, poised to support the world’s transition into a green future.

With our platform in Copenhagen, our aim is to double the number of sustainable tech companies in Denmark over the next few years, investing in 10–20 companies every year once we are fully up and running.

With the backing from Vaekstfonden’s Green Fund, we will focus on building and investing in companies within food and agricultural tech, energy, mobility and transportation, sustainable materials and resources, as well as infrastructure and software.

Build your next sustainable tech company Antler in Copenhagen.

Livia Moore is Associate Partner | Marketing & PR at Antler.

Antler is a global early-stage VC enabling and investing in exceptional people building the defining companies of tomorrow. Learn more about the platform here.



Livia Moore
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Associate Partner | Marketing & PR at Early-stage VC Antler