
Anton Dziatkovskii
Anton Dzyatkovskii


Hello my dear community!👋

1. In yesterday’s diary we discussed QDAO DeFi’s tokenized stocks.💰📊

2. Today I’d like to tell you about QDAO DeFi’s profit-boosting option.🚀 We have a way to increase your deposit interest rates:

👉 Noah Citizenship

3. Even Standard Citizenship gives you +1% on all of your QDAO DeFi earnings.🤩🤩 Combine this with the regular citizenship income and you will get a tremendous profit bomb in your pocket!💥💣 But Senators get the biggest benefits — +5% to QDAO DeFi! Think about the prospects.😉

4. The Platinum Team has fantastic engineers and I want to share with you some details about the most stellar ones. Today’s star is Nikolai, our System Architect and back-end developer. He is responsible for most of the Noah Custody Wallet developments and also manages the Delegation and Validation modules. The biggest passions of Nikolai are robotics and old cars.

5. I also have my personal channel — take a look:


6. Don’t forget to check out my personal Twitter account:


7. QDAO DeFi is a service with great potential! It’s what makes us wealthy day by day! The Platinum Team is constantly improving all possible services. We want to lead the DeFi market and we will! Join QDAO DeFi today to witness the birth of a legend!💪💪

8. Today’s food for thought: the total DeFi market cap has exceeded $13.5 billion!📈

Building the Internet of Money:

NOAH BLOCKCHAIN powered by COSMOS Inter-Blockchain Communication

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Now the global economy can connect to the blockchain, and parties on existing blockchains can interact and exchange with each other across chains.

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Australian version of the pigeon

And here is a new video on my channel! I really enjoy to spend my free time with my family ➡️ https://youtu.be/aIk3VlvWqCs



Anton Dziatkovskii
Anton Dzyatkovskii

Computer scientist, cryptographer. Co-Founder and CEO at Platinum Q DAO Engineering. (コンピューター学・仮想通貨専門家。Platinum Q DAO Engineeringの共同設立者兼CEO.)