Reading the Mandiant M-Trends 2024

Anton Chuvakin
Anton on Security
Published in
3 min readMay 1, 2024


This is my informal, unofficial, unapproved etc blog based on my reading of the just-released Mandiant M-Trends 2024 report (Happy 15th Birthday, M-Trends! May you live for many googley years…)

Vaguely relevant AI visual with … cybernetic threats :-)
  • Shorter dwell times are likely driven by a larger proportion of ransomware incidents globally in 2023 (23%) versus 2022 (18%). The median dwell time for these ransomware cases dropped to 5 days compared to 9 days in the previous report.“ [A.C. — so your “detection” improved because .. the attacker helped a bit more]
Attacker dwell time (days) — some good news?
  • 54% of organizations first learned of a compromise from an external source, while 46% first identified evidence of a compromise internally. ” [A.C. — pretty close to ½ and ½, so half of the organizations detect, while the other half gets told by others]
  • But yes, we are better! “63% of notifications were external in the previous reporting period, suggesting organizations are improving at detecting malicious behavior.“
  • “In 70% of ransomware cases, organizations learned of intrusions from external sources. Of those external sources, 76% were adversary notifications and 24% were external partners.” [A.C. — we should have a cooler name for these, like”attacker-led ‘detection’” or something]
  • More good news! “Overall, ransomware intrusion detection improved in 2023 regardless of internal vs. external notification. Most notably with internal detection occurring in 6 days, which is 50% faster compared to the previous reporting period.“
  • “In 2023, Mandiant experts once again saw exploits used as the most prevalent adversary initial infection vector. In intrusions where the initial intrusion vector was identified, 38% of intrusions started with an exploit. This is a six percentage point increase from 2022 […] Phishing remained the second most common intrusion vector. However it declined in 2023, with 17% of intrusions, compared to 22% in 2022.” [A.C. — perhaps we finally made a dent in email security, admittedly one of the simpler — NOT simple — security problems to solve]
  • “… a trend in which China-nexus attackers have gained access to edge devices via exploitation of vulnerabilities, particularly zero-days, and subsequently deployed custom malware ecosystems.” [A.C. — this is strong reminder to the ‘good EDR is enough’ crowd that, well, an EDR is not enough. A mini-rant: a lot of SIEM haters now position themselves as “EDR lovers”, and I don’t mind them loving EDR, to be sure. But if they grow ‘log-ignorant’ as a result, their ass is owned!]
  • “Historically, to gain initial access to cloud and hybrid environments, attackers have relied upon stolen credentials and access tokens that did not require multi-factor authentication (MFA).” [A.C. — I am sure, by “historically” they mean such unbelievable ancient history like, I dunno, earlier today? :-)]
  • Indeed “Mandiant continues to observe attackers perform password guessing attacks against cloud sign-in portals to identify accounts that do not have MFA configured. Often organizations will rely on users to self-enroll an MFA device. “ [A.C. — what I said above :-)]
  • “Mandiant observed adversaries abuse cloud native tools and services to maintain access, move laterally, and ultimately accomplish mission objectives such as stealing data. […] Mandiant observed attackers using Azure Data Factory and AirByte to modify existing pipelines to steal data stored in various integrated platforms such as data warehouses” [A.C. — “living off the land” when the land=cloud is very real, and requires defenders to know the cloud tooling better than the attackers do..]

Enjoy the report here!

P.S. While I was writing this, DBIR landed as well, read this one too!

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