5 reasons Why You Should Invest In Facebook Groups

Antonis Spyridakis
Antonis Spyridakis
Published in
4 min readNov 1, 2017

Written By Antonis Spyridakis

Are you a business owner? Are you a Community Manager who struggles every day with Facebook Pages without results? Do you produce great content but any reaction from your existing community?

Did you ever wonder why your Facebook Page has low engagement? I’m going to explain you why.

Facebook Algorithm.

You can produce great content but only a bunch of people can see your content in their news feed. Your team tried hard to produce great content but only 10% of your followers can see your content. You can boost your organic reach by following some rules of the algorithm. Find out here some rules.

Organic Reach is almost dead.

You tried hard to write new announcements about your product, blogposts, record videos but with a low organic result. Unfortunately, you can boost your reach by creating Facebook ADS. Do you want to reach your community without Facebook ADS? Then, you need high-quality content and high engagement.

Your community doesn’t want to interact with Facebook Pages

People like to interact with real people and not with Facebook Pages. They feel more comfortable when they talk to you in a personal way. They prefer a personal engagement.

Facebook Pages vs Facebook Groups

You can boost your engagement by creating a Facebook group related to your business. First, let’s see the differences between Facebook Groups and Facebook Pages. Let’s get started.

Facebook Pages

· Call to Action Button (Sign up, Book now etc)

· Boost your content through Facebook ADS

· Add Apps and Tabs to your Facebook page

· Like & comment as your Facebook Page

· Analytics (Page Insights)

Facebook Groups

· Create Polls

· Post Documents

· Buy & Sell in your facebook group

· Group chat with your group members

· Members receive notifications about new posts to the group

We have the basics now. Did you know about the newest feature of Facebook? Facebook launched this summer a new feature for Facebook Pages. 70 Million Facebook Pages can create their own Facebook Group and build their own engaged communities through Facebook Groups.

In my personal opinion, Facebook groups are “weapons” for every Community and Social Media Manager out there. I am going to explain to you why below.

Facebook’s mission

5 reasons why you should invest in Facebook Groups

1. Personal Engagement with your community

As I told you before people like to interact with real people. Facebook Groups give you the choice to interact and comment with your real Facebook name. You could start new helpful conversations with your community. For instance, you can motivate them to introduce themselves. Tip: “Respond to everything”. (My favourite mantra is Reply, reply, reply).

2. Validate new ideas by using Polls

You came up with new ideas related to your products but you aren’t sure if people like it or not. Well, you can create a poll in your Facebook Group and ask directly your community. A Facebook Group is a good place for testing your new ideas.

3.Announce your offerings

You can announce new things related to your brand, offerings by using Facebook Groups. People will get notified when you post something to your group. The engagement will be higher than your Facebook Page.

4. Host regular events

A Facebook Group allows you to create meaningful relations with your community by creating regular events. For instance, you can create a Q&A event, Community discussions etc.

5. News Feed Algorithm

Facebook is constantly updating its Newsfeed algorithm. If you create a group with high-quality content, then this content will start to appear more in the Newsfeed of the users who joined your group.

Higher engagement with your community? You must create a Facebook Group for your business today!

