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Full stack web apps with nothing but Python.
The Anvil Blog
Using Layouts to Create a Multi-Page App
Using Layouts to Create a Multi-Page App
Building reusable UIs with Layouts
Coding With Ryan
Aug 1
Streamline UI design with Anvil’s reusable Layouts
Streamline UI design with Anvil’s reusable Layouts
Layouts simplify UI design by letting you create reusable page structures that can be shared across multiple Forms. For example, you can…
Coding With Ryan
Apr 16
Data Binding in Anvil Apps Demystified
Data Binding in Anvil Apps Demystified
Data Bindings are a useful feature in Anvil that make it easy to keep your UI components in sync with your data. A Data Binding associates…
Jay Shaffstall
Apr 3
Introducing Four Improvements To Anvil’s Custom Components
Introducing Four Improvements To Anvil’s Custom Components
We’ve made it simpler to build and use custom components in Anvil
Coding With Ryan
Dec 19, 2023
Announcing the New Drag-and-Drop Designer
Announcing the New Drag-and-Drop Designer
A better UI building experience
Patricia Carro García
Oct 31, 2023
Connect your Anvil apps to GitHub
Connect your Anvil apps to GitHub
Version control, collaboration and open-source made easy
Brooke Myers
Aug 30, 2023
Integrate Mapbox into your Web App using only Python
Integrate Mapbox into your Web App using only Python
Integrate beautiful and powerful Mapbox maps into web applications using only Python.
Brooke Myers
May 24, 2023
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