Crypto Buddies NFT

Maksym Naboka
ANWA NFT Platform
Published in
4 min readJan 17, 2022

Crypto Buddies NFT is a customizable collection with unique features. Using our constructor dApp users can change backgrounds, clothes, hats, sunglasses and more! Every layer is another NFT that can be “taken off” and “put on” the character anytime. Got rare sunglasses? Take them off and sell on marketplace. Dress up your buddy a costume for Halloween and much more!

If you are interested in trying out the mechanics yourself, you’ll need a wallet (ideally Metamask) connected to Ethereum Rinkeby testnet and a little bit of testing eth to submit transactions. Mobile wallets should also work, we tested Coinbase Wallet on Android/iOS and Metamask for Android.

Step 0: Get your test NFTs

First you’ll need to get Crypto Buddy and Accessories test NFTs. You can request them via this form. It might take few minutes to a few days for us to mint the NFTs. You will be notified by email if you provided one in the form. Otherwise just check once in a while and you should get test NFTs soon.

If you successfully received your test NFTs, now it’s time for fun, the app is deployed and available at

Update: You no longer need to use the form to get the NFTs. We’ve made a contract that drops test NFTs to your wallet!

Head to and connect your wallet. Please please make sure, you are connected to Rinkeby testnet.

Next just hit the “Get test NFTs” Button. It’s a simple contract that will mint NFTs to play with. (Code can be found here).

Step 1: Connect your Metamask wallet

This is a straight forward step, make sure you have Metamask add-on installed for you browser and it is connected to rinkeby testnet.

Press “Connect a wallet” on the right hand side at the top. Metamask will pop-up and suggest to connect. Follow the steps and you should be good to go.

Connect Wallet

Now you should be redirected to “My Collection” page and you’ll see all your Crypto Buddies NFTs as well as Accessories NFTs!

List my NFTs

You will be able to customize your Buddy with available NFTs from “Accessories” section. In the future, each accessory will be centered, framed and have a nice background :)

Step 2: Approve

Select a Crypto Buddy you want to accessorize. First you’ll need to submit 2 approve transactions, one for the Buddy NFT and one for accessories. Simply press the “Approve Dolls” button, submit a transaction, wait for the confirmation. Press the “Approve Accessories” button, submit a transaction and again wait for the confirmation. This step is needed only one time per account. You might also need to refresh a page to make sure UI re-renders correctly.

Approve buttons

Step 3: Customize, Accessorize and Mint!

If you did everything correctly, you should see approve buttons disappear and only Mint button available. That’s great news, now we can select our accessories and mint a new custom NFT!


Now the fun part, in the “Choose NFT Accessories” section select the items you like. Feel free to click on different items and experiment with your look.

Accessories are divided into the following categories:

  • Backgrounds
  • Vehicles
  • Clothes
  • Hair
  • Hats
  • Hand Accessories
  • Neck Accessories
  • (Secret Accessory will be revealed after mainnet launch)

Each category can have up to 16k accessories. That’s a lot!

When you are happy with your character look, press the “Mint” button and submit a transaction. Wait for the confirmation and also wait a few minutes for our backend to pick up the change.

Step 4: Enjoy your new custom NFT

After a minute or so, navigate to “My Collection” page and you should see a freshly minted NFT! Accessorized! In your wallet!

Freshly minted NFT is in the middle

BTW, if you click on your accessorized Buddy, you’ll see there is a link to opensea. Go and check it out!

Accessorized Buddy on OpenSea

Future Plans

We are planning to launch Crypto Buddies NFT Collection in the coming months on mainnet. More details are coming up soon.

Please let us know what do you think about the project and come join our discord to talk to us!

