Dealing with a controlling wife — Find the ways to cope

Kiddy Vijay
Any Idea Any Style
Published in
7 min readAug 5, 2023

It can be incredibly challenging for any man to live with a companion who exhibits narcissistic tendencies and adamantly refuses to agree with any decision you make. Also, the emotional toll can be overwhelming.

Story of Greg and Sarah

Greg was feeling a sense of anxiety as he made his way back home that day. Sarah, his wife, had been in a bad mood that morning, and his goodbye didn’t receive the warm response he had hoped for. As he drove, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong, but at the same time, he knew that Sarah tended to keep her troubles to herself. It was her habit to believe that a loving husband should be able to intuitively understand what was bothering his wife without her having to communicate it explicitly.

This expectation of Sarah’s had often put a strain on their relationship. Greg felt he was endlessly trying to meet her ever-changing and often unrealistic standards. He would go to great lengths to impress her, constantly showering her with gifts and attention. He would bring her flowers, perfumes, handbags, jewelry, and even handmade handicraft items. Yet, no matter what he did, it always seemed to fall short.

Sarah had a knack for finding mistakes in everything Greg did for her, even the gifts he carefully selected. Instead of expressing gratitude or appreciation, she would receive any gift with a smirk and a comment. Greg would diligently take note of all her suggestions and remarks, applying them diligently while buying the next gift. However, it seemed that no matter how much effort he put in, she would always find yet another fault with his choices.

It was as if Greg had suddenly become less romantic in Sarah’s eyes. He felt like Jack from the movie Titanic, pouring his heart out to propose his love, only to be criticized and disappointed. The constant rejection and negativity were beginning to take a toll on him. He loved Sarah deeply, and he had always gone out of his way to express his love for her. However, it seemed that his efforts were deemed inadequate.

Sarah’s constant complaints, comments, and criticism started wearing him down. He had never felt so drained and exhausted before. He couldn’t understand what more he could do to make her happy. It seemed that no matter how much he loved her or how hard he tried, she was always dissatisfied. She seemed to view his love as nothing more than a fickle formality he was trying to fulfill.

Greg found himself questioning what type of woman Sarah was. He felt confused and helpless. He couldn’t comprehend why his love and efforts were insufficient to satisfy her. This internal conflict left him feeling blank and lost.

In their relationship, Greg had always strived to be the best husband he could be. He genuinely believed that love required effort and sacrifice. He had consistently demonstrated his love and affection through various means, yet Sarah’s expectations always exceeded what he could deliver.

Perhaps Sarah had her insecurities and disappointments that she projected onto Greg. Maybe she had unrealistic ideas about what a perfect partner should look like and felt disappointed when Greg couldn’t live up to those ideals. Her past experiences might have shaped her perception of love, causing her to search for flaws and deficiencies constantly.

Regardless of the reasons behind Sarah’s behavior, it became clear to Greg that he couldn’t continue living in a relationship marked by constant criticism and dissatisfaction. He needed to have an open and honest conversation with Sarah about his feelings and concerns. Communication was essential, and he hoped they could find a way to address their issues and redefine their expectations for a healthier and more fulfilling relationship.

Having every movement of your life criticized exacerbates the complexities of the relationship. Let’s analyze the challenges faced, the reasons behind her behavior, potential solutions, and the emotional consequences this dynamic can cause in this article.

The primary challenge in coping with a controlling wife lies in the relentless sense of authority she personifies. The very essence of a healthy relationship should involve mutual respect and shared decision-making. However, a controlling spouse often lacks this quality and diminishes the other partner’s autonomy and agency without even realizing the pain it may cause. Unfortunately, when your opinions or choices are constantly questioned or dismissed, it becomes increasingly difficult to find common ground, leading to constant tension and frustration within the relationship.

One possible explanation for a wife’s controlling behavior could be rooted in her narcissism. Narcissistic individuals often have an inflated sense of self-importance and seek to exert control over others to validate their own worth. In such cases, the controlling wife may perceive any differing opinion or decision as a personal attack on her superiority, making it virtually impossible to reach a compromise or shared understanding. This further complicates the dynamics of the relationship, resulting in a continuous power struggle.

Understanding the underlying reasons behind a controlling wife’s behavior can be a vital stepping stone toward resolution. Open and honest communication can potentially shed light on any underlying insecurities or fears she possesses, allowing for a more empathetic perspective to be developed. In some instances, couples therapy or relationship counseling can provide a safe environment for both partners to express their concerns, fostering a greater level of understanding and the possibility of compromise.

Another potential solution to dealing with a controlling partner is setting healthy boundaries. Establishing clear limits can help mitigate the feeling of being constantly scrutinized or criticized. By respectfully communicating these boundaries, both partners can work towards a healthier dynamic that promotes individuality and mutual respect. Recognizing and asserting one’s own needs, opinions, and desires can be paramount in navigating the complexities of such a relationship.

However, it is important to acknowledge the emotional toll that dealing with a controlling wife can have on one’s well-being. Constant criticism and lack of support can slowly erode an individual’s self-esteem and confidence. Living in an environment where every movement is meticulously judged can lead to anxiety, depression, and a sense of powerlessness. Consequently, prioritizing self-care, seeking support from friends or family, and maintaining one’s own sense of identity are crucial in mitigating the emotional consequences of such a dynamic.

While open communication, therapy, and setting boundaries offer potential solutions to mitigate the difficulties, it is crucial to prioritize one’s own emotional well-being throughout the process. Remember, self-care and seeking support are essential to maintaining personal happiness and a healthy relationship.

Sarah’s belief that a loving husband should be able to understand and address her concerns on his own can impact their communication and ability to resolve conflicts in several ways…

What could’ve one wrong?

Unmet expectations

Sarah may expect her husband to automatically understand and address her concerns without her having to express them explicitly. This can create frustration and disappointment if her husband does not meet these expectations, leading to misunderstandings and unresolved conflicts.

Lack of open communication

If Sarah believes that her husband should be able to understand her concerns without her verbalizing them, she may be less likely to communicate her needs and concerns openly. This lack of communication can hinder their ability to address conflicts effectively and find mutually agreeable solutions.

Assumptions and misinterpretations

Sarah’s belief can lead to assumptions that her husband should already know what she is thinking or feeling. This can result in misinterpretations of her actions, leading to misunderstandings and further conflicts.

Increased resentment and frustration

Over time, if Sarah consistently believes that her husband should intuitively understand and address her concerns, she may become resentful and frustrated if he fails to meet these expectations. This can create a negative cycle of unresolved conflicts and deteriorating communication.

Limited problem-solving skills

If Sarah relies solely on her husband’s ability to understand and address her concerns, she may not develop essential problem-solving skills herself. This dependency can limit her ability to effectively communicate her perspectives, needs, and desires, hindering their ability to resolve conflicts constructively.

To improve their communication and ability to resolve conflicts, Sarah and her husband need to have open and honest conversations, clearly express their needs and concerns, and practice active listening to understand each other’s perspectives. They should also be willing to compromise, seek professional help if needed, and understand that effective communication requires effort and shared responsibility.

The potential consequences of Sarah’s belief in her ability to communicate and resolve conflicts can be significant.

What will happen if this pattern continues?


If Sarah strongly believes that communication is not practical or resolution is not possible, she may not actively listen to the other person or may misinterpret their words or actions. This can lead to misunderstandings and escalate the conflict further.

Lack of empathy

Believing that communication is futile can make it difficult for Sarah to empathize with the other person’s perspective and understand their needs and concerns. This lack of empathy can hinder effective communication and prevent the parties from finding common ground.

Ineffective communication strategies

Sarah’s belief may discourage her from using constructive communication strategies, such as active listening, expressing feelings and needs, or seeking clarification. Instead, she may resort to defensive or aggressive communication styles that can further polarize the conflict.

Escalation of conflict

Without effective communication and a belief in the possibility of resolution, conflicts are more likely to escalate and become more intense. Both parties may become entrenched in their positions, leading to a breakdown in communication and a widening of the conflict.

Failure to find mutually agreeable solutions

If Sarah doesn’t believe in the possibility of resolution, she may not invest effort in finding mutually agreeable solutions. This can lead to a cycle of unresolved conflicts, creating tension and damaging relationships over time.

Diminished trust and relationship deterioration

With repeated unresolved conflicts and a lack of faith in communication, trust between Sarah and the other person may erode. This can result in a relationship deterioration, making future conflicts even more challenging to resolve.

So, Sarah needs to recognize the potential consequences of her belief and consider adopting a more constructive mindset that allows for effective communication and the possibility of resolving conflicts.

(based on a real story, but name, profession, and place are changed)

Thanks for reading 💖💐



Kiddy Vijay
Any Idea Any Style

In spite of erroring reasons spite, whatever is, is just right. Life coach, Nature-lover, writer, poet, homeschooling mom, dreamer, believer, bibliophile