Why Connecting with the Disconnected People is challenging?

Kiddy Vijay
Any Idea Any Style
Published in
6 min readOct 13, 2023


Analyzing personality is a complex task as it involves understanding the unique qualities, traits, and behavioral patterns that make an individual who they are. One crucial aspect of personality analysis is the ability of an individual to establish a deep connection with others. It is essential to recognize that building a deep connection with someone who is disconnected from themselves is a highly challenging task, often proving to be impossible.

A person who is disconnected from themselves lacks self-awareness and struggles to understand their own needs, desires, and emotions. This disconnection can be a result of various factors, such as past trauma, societal pressures, or personal insecurities. These individuals are often unable to appreciate the efforts and gestures of others because they fail to recognize their own worth and value.

When one tries to connect with someone who is disconnected from themselves, they may find that their efforts go unnoticed or unappreciated. The disconnected individual may not be able to fully comprehend or accept the time, love, care, or emotions offered by others. This is because they lack the ability to understand themselves and, consequently, struggle to build connections with others.

The disconnected individual’s inability to appreciate the efforts of others stems from their own disconnect from their emotions. Emotions play a significant role in forming connections, as they enable individuals to understand their own needs and recognize the needs of others. However, someone who is disconnected from themselves may struggle to identify and process their emotions. Consequently, they may be unable to appreciate gestures of love, care, or support since they are detached from their own inner world.

In addition to that, building a deep connection requires vulnerability, trust, and empathy. However, someone who is disconnected from themselves may find it difficult to establish these essential components of connection. Their lack of self-awareness and understanding makes it challenging for them to trust others and be vulnerable in their presence. Consequently, they may be guarded and distant, hindering the development of a deep and meaningful connection.

Also, the disconnected individual’s inability to appreciate the efforts of others can also stem from their self-esteem issues. These individuals often struggle with feelings of inadequacy, unworthiness, or low self-esteem. This internal dialogue can distort their perception of themselves and prevent them from recognizing and accepting the love, care, and support offered by others. Their disconnected state prevents them from seeing their own value and consequently makes it difficult for them to appreciate the efforts made by others.

It is important to acknowledge that building a deep connection with someone who is disconnected from themselves requires patience, understanding, and compassion. It is crucial to approach these individuals with empathy, recognizing that their disconnection is not a choice but a result of various internal or external factors. By showing understanding and compassion, one may begin to inspire self-reflection and growth in the disconnected individual, gradually helping them reconnect with themselves and others.

Apparently, building a deep connection with someone who is disconnected from themselves can be highly challenging and often seems impossible. Their inability to appreciate the efforts of others can stem from their disconnection from their emotions, lack of self-awareness, trust issues, and low self-esteem. However, with patience, understanding, and compassion, there is a possibility of inspiring self-reflection and growth in these individuals, paving the way for a deeper and more meaningful connection. It is essential to approach the task of connecting with a disconnected individual with empathy, recognizing the complexities and struggles they face in understanding themselves and others.

Emily — her journey from being a disconnected soul to an empowered woman

Emily was a kind soul, always putting others before herself. However, deep inside, she felt a disconnect with herself. It was as if she was floating through life, never truly present in the moments that passed her by. Little did she know that this disconnection would be the catalyst for her inner journey towards self-awareness and self-confidence.

Emily’s story took a significant turn when she met John, a charismatic man who swept her off her feet. He was charming, confident, and seemed to provide her with the love and attention she had longed for. Their whirlwind romance quickly escalated into a marriage, and Emily was convinced that she had finally found happiness.

However, as time went by, Emily began to notice cracks in their relationship. John had a wandering eye, constantly seeking validation from other women. He would emotionally manipulate her, making her doubt her own worth. Emily’s once vibrant personality began to dim, as she became a victim of her narcissist womanizer husband.

The first step on Emily’s journey towards self-awareness came when she realized that her husband’s actions were not a reflection of her worth. She started to confide in close friends and family, who made her realize that she deserved better. Through their support, she gradually began to recognize her own strength and potential.

One day, while scrolling through her husband’s phone, Emily discovered the truth — he had been cheating on her all along. The emotional betrayal hit her like a ton of bricks, but this revelation became the turning point in her life. She mustered the courage to confront John and demand the respect and love she deserved.

As Emily gathered the pieces of her shattered self-esteem, she made the difficult decision to walk away from her abusive marriage. With her three-year-old son by her side, she embarked on a journey of rediscovery and healing.

Emily sought therapy to help her process the trauma she had endured and to heal the wounds that had been inflicted upon her. Through therapy, she learned to recognize her own worth and let go of the toxic beliefs that had imprisoned her for so long. The connection with her inner self began to reignite, and she discovered a strength she never knew she had.

Throughout her journey, Emily focused on building her self-confidence and reclaiming her own life. She surrounded herself with positive influences, joined support groups, and engaged in activities that brought her joy. She no longer defined herself by her relationship or her past experiences; instead, she embraced her own identity and embraced the freedom of being true to herself.

Emily’s story is a testament to the power of self-awareness and self-confidence. Her journey from a disconnected woman to a strong individual who was able to walk away from an abusive marriage is a testament to the importance of recognizing one’s own worth. By acknowledging her own pain, she was able to heal, grow, and build a better future for herself and her son.

Emily’s story reinstates that building a deep connection with someone who is disconnected from themselves may seem impossible, but it is not entirely out of reach. Through the strength of self-awareness and self-confidence, individuals like Emily can embark on an inner journey towards healing and growth. The road may be filled with hardships, but the destination is worth it — a life filled with authenticity, love, and true connection with oneself.

So, to deal with the self delusive and self deceptive world around you, it’s important to develop self-awareness. And there ends many of our personal and societal problems.

Lack of self-awareness, is a pervasive human flaw that has far-reaching consequences. It is the failure to truly know and understand oneself, resulting in misguided actions, flawed decision-making, and ultimately, unhappiness. When individuals lack self-awareness, they become prisoners of their own illusions, incapable of recognizing their shortcomings and blind spots.

At an individual level, this lack of self-awareness inhibits personal growth and prevents us from achieving our full potential. Without introspection, one cannot identify their strengths and weaknesses, impeding the development of new skills and the realization of goals. Moreover, without the ability to recognize our own flaws, we become unable to adapt and learn from our mistakes, perpetuating destructive behavior patterns.

On a larger scale, the absence of self-awareness reverberates through society, leading to conflicts, inequality, and social injustice. Individuals who lack self-awareness may unintentionally perpetuate harmful stereotypes or display unconscious biases. They may not recognize the impact of their actions on others, contributing to a climate of discrimination and prejudice.

So, it’s important to foster self-reflection and introspection. By actively seeking self-awareness, individuals can strive for personal growth and contribute positively to society, creating a world that is more compassionate, understanding, and fair.



Kiddy Vijay
Any Idea Any Style

In spite of erroring reasons spite, whatever is, is just right. Life coach, Nature-lover, writer, poet, homeschooling mom, dreamer, believer, bibliophile