picture by Enzo Mazzeo

Barney’s version

Napalm Death vocalist, anti-fascist activist, Aston Villa aficionado: Mark ‘Barney’ Greenway is the quintessential militant Brum lad.

Angelo Mora
Any Rubbish?
Published in
8 min readApr 16, 2015


You were born in Great Barr, north of Birmingham, July 13, 1969. Has Aston Villa been part of your life since that day?

I come from a family of Villa fans: my father, my grandfather… Only my uncle was Birmingham City just to piss off my grandad! Anyway, my dad hung out with John Sleeuwenhoeks and some other Villa players of that era. My grandfather was a friend of the Shillcocks, the family that owned the sporting goods store in Birmingham from where, in 1895, the F.A. Cup trophy won by Villa in London against West Bromwich Albion was stolen. The original cup was never seen again and was replaced by a replica.

(picture uncredited — anyone whose copyright has been inadvertently infringed is invited to contact the Editor)

From the 60s on pop music and football success went hand in hand with Manchester and Liverpool, while the image of Birmingham has been more working-class and less fashionable. Why?

Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool, as well as Sheffield and Derbyshire, have had many social and historical similarities: over the last 50 years they were plagued by poverty first, and then harassed by the Thatcher government because the working class mentality and the anti-conservative sentiment were strongly entrenched. At a cultural level, for what it’s worth, at one point Manchester and Liverpool began to play a prominent role: I can’t even explain why, it doesn’t interest me that much. Of course, the football successes of Manchester United and Liverpool in the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s are not comparable to those of Villa! Anyway, people over romanticize the local thing a bit too much; I find it a distraction from the important things in life. I love my city and I still live not too far from where I was born, but that doesn’t mean I wave the banner of ‘pride of Birmingham’ every day.

You witnessed the Handsworth Riots in July of 1981 first-hand, didn’t you?

I remember them very well because Handsworth is located a few miles from where I lived. The policy of the Conservative government was pushing the disadvantaged classes further down. When you treat people like animals, people react like animals. I don’t condone the perpetrators of the clashes, and condemn the use of violence as a form of protest, but I completely understand where it came from and the anger of those guys. They weren’t even treated as second class citizens, but third. It’s not fair, it should never happen.

During the 80s you were a close observer of the hooligan phenomenon and the Casual subculture.

I was pretty young, but I already had an alternative lifestyle through punk rock, hardcore and heavy metal. I was not personally involved with the violent side of football fans, but I knew some guys who were part of the Villa firms. On their own they were almost all nice people, but together they felt intoxicated. A fascination with quasi-military mass associations are part of human nature and it works especially for younger individuals. Besides a lot of the firms were contaminated by the British National Front — like the school system during and after the Falklands War — which took advantage of the war for political propaganda. Even as a kid I knew that I couldn’t put up with verbal and physical violence against any minority.

In hindsight, could it be argued that the 80s were a very dark time for British society?

The atmosphere was horrible. I wouldn’t like to give a simplistic explanation, but if you weren’t able to conform to the unbridled liberalism that was slowly introduced by Margaret Thatcher, you could rot in hell. I well remember the dramatic miners’ strike of 1984–85, for example, which of course I supported. The public service was privatized and that was the most terrible f**kin’ mistake because it reduced the services which were most needed to their knees. Also the way in which Thatcher manipulated the police, who used increasingly repressive methods, it was frightening. There was the hint of a sort of camouflaged impending dictatorship. They are about to release a film about her played by Meryl Streep, who seems to be valid, but obviously it will not be easy to watch for those who experienced that historical period of the United Kingdom at first hand. In my life I try not to hate anyone, but I can say I hated Margaret Thatcher. My grandfather, who was a very gentle person, he said he wanted to dance on her grave … I realize that such feelings are extreme, but she caused so much hatred among common people and tried to destroy an entire community. Today it’s easy to hear completely different opinions on Thatcher: some say that she was a great leader and a unique character and some like me, just talking about it, their blood boils! Yes: they were strange times, very bad times.

Would you say it’s no coincidence that the most brutal genre of rock music ever — grindcore — was born in England around that time?

Napalm and many other bands came from there. There were many other factors that led to the birth of grindcore, but it can’t be denied that the political climate contributed a great deal.

How much and how has the Taylor Report changed the face of British football?

After the terrible tragedy at Hillsborough change was inevitable. The Taylor Report has brought more safety to our stadiums, but at the same time they have lost a little of the atmosphere of the past. It would be nice to get back some terraces areas, it would be perfectly acceptable, but I doubt it’s one of the priorities of the federation. Today I don’t like having a steward looking over my shoulder who tells me off me even if I breathe in the wrong direction and, in general, I don’t like that constant sense of observation from above. On the other hand, returning alone to my car outside Elland Road at Leeds a few years ago, I caught a fist in my face out of the blue and for no reason. I just copped it and kept it.

When you watch the matches at Villa Park, do you join in the choruses with diehard fans?

More than anything else I enjoy watching the game and, occasionally, I join in the classic choruses. I love to sing and hear the songs at the stadium, provided they don’t prevent me from understanding what is happening on the field. And I certainly detest the racist chants and insults.

What is your fondest memory of the golden age of Aston Villa, 1980–83?

Nigel Spink’s incredible saves just after coming on for Jimmy Rimmer and Peter Withe’s goal in the Champions Cup final against Bayern Munich. The funny thing is that when Villa is involved things can never be simple. When we saw Tony Morley’s pass to Withe, even if he was brave and strong, we all thought: ‘Oh God, he’s going to miss!’, even though it was technically impossible. And he nearly did miss! At home we had a small television in the kitchen and when he scored I jumped and hit my head against the cupboard. While everybody was cheering and hugging each other I was semi-conscious from the pain!

Who was the most grindcore Villa player of all time?

Paul McGrath, no doubt. He played for at least a decade at the height of his career with his knees f**kin’ shot to pieces until he couldn’t train anymore. And that makes it even more legendary because during a game he was still able to perform the most spectacular recovering hook tackles that I’ve ever seen when an opponent passed him at speed. How the f**k did he do that?!

Other heroes of Villa Park in the Premier League era?

Steve Staunton, Dean Saunders, Gareth Southgate, Dwight Yorke… Above all, Ian Taylor, a true Birmingham Boy. At the beginning of his career he played in the amateurs and in the meantime worked in town. Soon after he became a professional and he had a good season at Sheffield Wednesday and then we bought him ourselves. But no one knew him well and it was only later we discovered that playing for Villa had been the dream of his life! It’s always nice when a guy gets to play in his hometown team, but often the players do not really care as much as they would have you believe. But he was f**king incredible from day one wearing the claret and blue shirt. When he came on the field he was so determined: nothing was beyond him, he was almost uncontrollable! Today you can meet him at away games and, despite working as an ambassador for the club, he always stays with the common people and not in the VIP boxes.

What do you think of Stiliyan Petrov?

He has had his ups and downs, some people criticize him, but I stand up for him. I have never questioned his dedication to the cause. I hope as well that Darren Bent will stay with us for a long time, although he has the reputation of a player who changes team frequently.

Do you support any other team besides Villa?

I liked Celtic as a boy. Outside the UK I feel an empathy for several teams that have a tradition of leftist and anti-fascist supporters, like St. Pauli, Fortuna Düsseldorf and Union Berlin in Germany and Livorno in Italy. And then I’m also fond of Copenhagen in Denmark and Spain’s Athletic Bilbao, who have a certain charm. Abroad, there is sometimes a feeling of brotherhood and friendship among the fans of different teams that we don’t have over here.

Tell me about the most famous VIP Aston Villa fans.

At Villa Park I have often seen Oliver Phelps, one of the Weasley twins in Harry Potter. Then, we should mention Tony Iommi and ‘Geezer’ Butler from Black Sabbath, of course.

Pete Way of UFO customized his bass with the colours and emblem of Villa!

I don’t know where his passion for Villa comes from, he’s from London. He never told me, but you know, Pete is a bit mad! [laughs]

(picture uncredited — anyone whose copyright has been inadvertently infringed is invited to contact the Editor)

David Cameron?

Strange, he’s from London too. I’m not saying that if you’re not from Birmingham you can’t support Villa, but anyway… As we are more or less the same age, he may have been struck by Rotterdam f**kin’ ‘82. [Cameron is the nephew of former Villa chairman Sir William Dugdale]

Prince William?

Ironic, given Villa’s very unroyal traditions… Life works in some mysterious ways sometimes!

Tom Hanks?

I believe that during a stay in England he saw a Villa scarf on someone, he liked the colours and asked for one as a present. Since then he has become ‘Villa fan’. It’s unlikely he knows the history of the club or the players!

The interview took place in Milan @ Santeria, January 2012.

Originally published by FourFourTwo @ http://www.fourfourtwo.com/features/napalm-death-sing-when-youre-winning.

Published also in Italian on Salad Days Magazine #13 (2012) and on the book ‘Rock’n’Goal’ written by Antonio Bacciocchi and Alberto Galletti (2013).



Angelo Mora
Any Rubbish?

Freelance journalist @SaladDays_it @MondoFutbolCom, A&R/promoter @ScarletRecords @BakerteamRec - rock and roll, football & life only, no know-it-all attitudes.