3 min readNov 4, 2023

How to Stop Overthinking and Calm Your Mind

Does your mind dwell on a topic for too long and analyse it to death?

Do the same thoughts keep running through your mind while you fail to take any action?

If yes, then you are overthinking.

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Overthinking is a widespread habit. It can have a negative impact on our lives, leading to mental health issues such as anxiety, stress, and depression. It can also make it difficult to focus, make decisions, and enjoy the present moment.

Sometimes, such worrying thoughts may emerge when you least expect them.

You’re getting ready for a party and you suddenly think that your dress doesn’t fit you well. You seem to have put on weight. The other guests will notice it as well. Your arms look so fat. Oh God…your tummy sticks out. You’ll be the laughing stock at the party. Everyone will make fun of you!

All these thoughts create havoc in your mind, and you lose your confidence. You start questioning your choice of dress, makeup, hairstyle, manner of talking, and just about everything. There’s no end to it.

Why you overthink

Overthinking occurs when you strive for perfection or when you are unable to break an undesirable habit, accept the truth, or admit your failure. You are desperate to change the situation in your life but find it difficult to do so.

These are some strategies I have found useful for stopping overthinking and calming my mind:

• Recognize your overthinking habits:
Pay attention to your thoughts and thought patterns, and notice when you start to dwell on negative thoughts or worries. The first step to stop overthinking is to become aware of when you’re doing it.

• Challenge your negative thoughts:
Once you catch yourself overthinking, you can challenge your negative thoughts. Ask yourself: Is there any evidence to support my negative thoughts? Am I catastrophizing or jumping to conclusions?

• Focus on the present moment:
One of the best ways to stop overthinking is to focus on the present moment. When you’re caught up in your thoughts, take a few deep breaths and bring your attention to your surroundings. Notice what you can see, hear, smell, taste, and feel.

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• Practice mindfulness:
Mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment. You can practice mindfulness through meditation and yoga or simply taking a few minutes each day to sit quietly and focus on your breath.

• Spend time in nature:
Spending time in the midst of nature has a number of benefits for mental health. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, try taking a walk or sitting in the park for some time.

• Talk to someone you trust:
If you’re struggling to stop overthinking on your own, talk to a friend, family member, or other trusted person. Sharing your worries and concerns can help you to feel less alone and to get some perspective on the situation. Don’t be afraid to seek professional help. A therapist can teach you additional coping skills and help you to develop a personalized plan for overcoming overthinking.

• Write down your thoughts and worries:
Once you write them down, you can get them out of your head and see them more objectively. If you are detached, you will be more likely to find solutions.

• Eat healthy:
Eating nutritious foods gives your brain the energy it needs to function properly.

• Do something that you enjoy:
When you’re engaged in an activity or hobby that you enjoy, it’s easier to let go of your worries.

• Get enough sleep:
When your mind and body are well-rested, you are able to manage your thoughts and emotions. It will give you clarity.

When you stop overthinking with time, practice, and patience, you’ll be able to live a happier and more fulfilling life. Remember, overthinking is a common problem, and there are many people who are working to overcome it.


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