Miracles Do Happen For Those Who Believe

Effa Marriam
Any Writers
Published in
3 min readMar 30, 2021


Photo by zenad nabil on Unsplash

Becoming a billionaire overnight, an earthquake victim surviving for days without food and water, a man who fell off the cliff returning home after an unexplained retrieval, and a woman coming back to life after having no pulse for 45 minutes — only these soul-stirring events might be miracles in your perception.

But, veraciously, a miracle is not something that most of us think of. Neither it is that inexplicable phenomenon that our literature tells us about.

It doesn’t mean I am denying those miracles in history that are still not accepted by common sense. For instance, the miracles of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) such as the journey of Al-Mi’raaj and the splitting of the moon, and the miracles of Prophet Jesus like talking in the cradle and giving life to the dead.

You can also see the lists of famous catholic priests whose bodies were found incorrupt even years after their deaths as miracles happen to everyone including Christians, Muslims, and even Atheists.

My life took a new turn when I read this famous quote from Albert Einstein;

“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Keeping in view the latter one, I realized that life is full of miracles indeed. Everything happening around us is a miracle.

Waking up every morning after sleeping for many hours is a miracle because science considers sleep as half-death. Another miracle is for those cancer patients who are diagnosed at early stages and recover from this terminal illness because for cancer patients it is a matter of time before they enter the darkest tunnel of death. As the author narrated in the epigraph of Fault in Our Stars besides water it is time, rising up and rising down, taking everything with it. Being blessed with children is a miracle because I have seen many people who have a hell of a lot of money but are helpless in front of their fate.

Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash

For me, securing good grades on a test that I didn’t prepare for is no less than a miracle. Getting yourself some quality time out of your busy schedule to read one of your favorite books seems like a miracle to a book-lover. Last week, when my father brought my favorite meal on his way back home, when I just thought of it in the morning but didn’t ask him to bring it, I was awe-struck by this little miracle. It’s not like he read my mind or anything.

Jon Kabot Zinn said;

“The little things? The little moments?

They aren’t little.”

and that hit me. In our own ways of finding happiness, we have lost a lot of little miraculous moments which meant to bring happiness to us.

Having that one person in your life who loves you wholeheartedly, supports you, and is always there for you no matter what the circumstances are, isn’t it a miracle? I believe it is a miracle because, in this brutal world, you will find more haters than supporters. I’ve seen a lot of people who took such a precious person in their lives for granted, end up alone, ruining themselves and repenting.

For all these miracles to happen one should have to believe in them. In fact, these things happen in everyone’s life as anyone can get good grades or enjoy a book at the end of the day, and everyone meets his or her significant other, but, because they don’t notice them they don’t consider them big things or I may say ___ miracles.



Effa Marriam
Any Writers

Freelance web writer | An avid reader | Microbiologist