The Human Body is an Organization and to Achieve Growth These Four Departments Should Always Rule

Otis Ken
Any Writers
Published in
5 min readFeb 7, 2020


Photo by Ivan Zhukevich on Unsplash
  1. The Department of Body Nourishment

Everything we take in the body has a role to perform once inside. Some nourish and some just make us sick. The food we take in does not just disappear in the thin air. It supplies the energy we need and builds the whole body organization. Taking bad food is like hiring a toxic and incompetent employee. They set bad examples, poison, and destroy every other good employee you have around. Hiring good people, on the other hand, earns your organization a fortune. It is the same way that taking good food generates positive energy and purity of the mind. Several studies have established a positive association between a good diet and mental health so this is not just another self-improvement bs I’m peddling.

How do you know the food that is good or bad for you? You can tell by its effects on your body. Refined carbohydrates, processed sugars, and junks will make you feel good initially but the highs will not last. You may even feel moody afterward. Physical symptoms such as pimples, bloated stomach, itchiness, or weariness may also manifest in some people as an indication that they’re frustrating the system with the wrong intake. The food and nourishment faculty always has its way of keeping us in check when we’re lusting for food that will hurt our bodies. Except that we don’t listen.
How to use it
When its time to eat you need to submit and pay attention to the department. Quell your appetite and do what is necessary. Go after what is defined in your dieting books as the right food. It is not bad to enjoy fries but tries to moderate portions to what you intuitively know are best portions especially if you have health goals to achieve. Find the balance between objectivity and outright gluttony and stick to that line.

2. The Department of Emotional Well-being

Emotions don’t just come out of nowhere. They are triggered by cues in the environment or by stories happening in our minds. Therefore, what we allow into our heads greatly determines our state of mind. We need to develop filters that guard our minds against all garbage thrown at us. Although I have written before that helping other people can gear you towards success, I am also of the opinion that you should develop a code that dictates what you’re going to pay attention to and what you won’t engage in and follow that code to the letter.
How to use it
Having an engagement code will enable you to know when to discontinue from any associations. Let the well-being faculty decide which commitments are worth the effort and which ones aren’t. When it says don’t agree to someone’s request then just be genuine and tell the person you don’t want to engage. Save yourself from the emotional circus. When it says its time to replenish your wardrobe then put that into the plan because grooming plays a big part in your well being as well.

3. The Department of Performance

Every day we work towards our evolution. In everything we do, we often hope to achieve exemplary outcomes. It’s always our habit to question how far we are from achieving something better than what we already have. When we’ve outgrown friendships or relationships, something always clicks and lets us know its time to wind it up. Also at times, we’re afraid to make such adjustments because leaving a familiar spectacle for an unfamiliar one just sounds wrong. Anyway, a mind geared towards growth coordinates with the rest of the body to adjust when the performance and growth department says its time to move on to something new. Infinite wisdom assures us that that beyond this discomfort lies a small victory of transcendence.
How To use It
Always when its time for exercise the mind finds reasons to opt-out. In such times, let your whole body know its the performance department calling the shots. Let the faculty run your body like a headmaster runs a school. Your part is to stick to the rules. If you’ve done a 2-mile jog before, push yourself to do a 2.5 or 3 because the performance department demands it. The body has a way of saying it has had enough after the usual 2 miles but you’re on a path to becoming a badass so you gotta do what you gotta do and do it perfectly.

4. The Department of Self-discipline

discipline is what keeps you in check with your values. You throw it out of the window and your precious values crumble with it. The things that are important to you e.g eating, sleeping, exercising, learning and meditating are all under a routine program that you have optimized for yourself. If you have a list of bad habits that you want to get rid of you must upgrade your self-discipline first. For example, overcoming procrastination is a matter of exerting your will over the feelings associated with it and keeping this practice as part of your self-discipline. Therefore, when it is your time to act always let the discipline faculty rule the moment and all others take a back seat. Dominate toxic behaviors or be wrecked by them. I have a post about how to finish the things you start which you should check out if you are a PP(perpetual procrastinator).
How to use it
Perhaps you want to stick to a morning routine. Set your goals, set your alarm. When the goddamn alarm rings, that will be the cue that self-discipline demands something of you. Tell yourself you are going to step up and do it exactly the way you tell it.

And finally…If you choose to become a relentless kickass, only poor health or matters requiring urgent attention should compromise your commitments. Otherwise, when duty calls always honor the calling and run down that road like a bad m******cker.



Otis Ken
Any Writers

He reads and writes. He conceives, merges, and courageously expresses dynamic ideas. He finds joy sharing his liberal voice with the world.