When Life Is Falling Apart, Fall Along But Also Make Merry of Life

Otis Ken
Any Writers
Published in
4 min readOct 10, 2019

Life has its highs and lows they say. Inherently, we love the highs and abhor the lows.

Photo by Den Trushtin on Unsplash

There are moments you are so high on life. You look at yourself and say “I am the man/woman”. But before you ride that roller coaster you are on your way down. Sporadically headed for a crash.

Like the iconic spiderman, you throw ropes in all directions. Down, up, left, right, 180,230 and 360 degrees. All in efforts to haul yourself up again.

Halfway before you hit rock bottom, life gets merciful and gives you a “fall vacation”. Arrogantly, you think its because of your efforts that you survived.
So you do what everyone else would. You try to work your way to where you think you belong; up.

But this time the almighty life is more ruthless with you. It sweeps you down and you hit rock bottom with a thud.

As fast as you can, you pick yourself up. Hoping no one saw your downfall.

But, again, it seems life wants to pass a point. That it is not because of your brilliance, intelligence, or efforts that you soared up in the first place.

So life stands above you. Its boots tightly pressed on your chest and determined to keep you down.

It strips off your clothes and exposes your nakedness. It lets everyone know that you are down and out.

With a little more determination left, you put up a small fight.
Life sticks a sword in your chest. You feel so much pain that your nudity or the people laughing at your downfall now matters less.

You finally give in to life and let it do its will. You are humbled.
You start supporting life.

Life winces and you wince twice. Life immerses you in a pool and you take in the water with huge gulps. Life tells you to stay still and you are as stiff as dead. Life slaps you on one side and you present the other side. When life puts off the light for you, you jovially go to sleep.

In the midst all this humiliation, everyone around laughs.

Sarcastically, you decide to laugh along with them. It isn’t humiliation anymore. It’s a show.

Seeing how much you are humbled, life starts nursing you back. Inch by inch it pulls off the sword from your chest.

Soon the boots on your bosom are lifted off too. You joke at life saying you want to lay down more. You want to entertain more. But life says its enough for now.

Life dresses you in its finest robes preparing you to take over the world. Then it extends a hand and lifts you from the cold hard floor.

You see the audience getting bored and even a bit jealous of how life treats you. So you deliberately fall on the floor to keep the show going. They burst into laughter once more. You are having fun with your downfall but life decides you’ve had enough of it.

Life puts you on that ladder again and says “I’m taking you up”.

You are headed up!

Not at your desired speed but life’s own pace. “God speed” you call it.

You have learned the hard way. That the pace of life is your pace and not the other way round. You take the back seat let life take control.

You have learned life’s precious lessons;

That you will not fear to lose a face and even when it comes to that, you will spend less effort worrying about it.

Whenever you are failing you will let the world have fun. You will put on a good show for everyone else enjoying your downfall. You will personally laugh at how much dignity you have lost.

You will walk that journey with a smile.

My main point here is:

When losing a partner who has been the pillar of your life do not be desperate to make things work. Help them pack when they are ready to leave and thank them for being part of your life. Good for you if someone is laughing behind your back because you can laugh together. Laugh at how single and “left” you are.

When you are jobless and people are making snacks out of it, feel the pain but also do not forget to be jolly. I mean laugh too at how jobless you are. Have a happy life amidst the tribulations.

When you are homeless, you are homeless. There is no point in trying to justify to people that you aren’t homeless. People who know you will sympathize or laugh at your situation. Laugh along with them at how homeless you are.

Your situation is not permanent. There will be a brighter day.

Pay my site The Nobelist a brief visit. Cheers!



Otis Ken
Any Writers

He reads and writes. He conceives, merges, and courageously expresses dynamic ideas. He finds joy sharing his liberal voice with the world. www.thenobelist.com