Why I Wrote a Pandemic Memoir

SMALL TALK WITH MYSELF was a #1 Amazon New Release in Humor and Entertainment Short Reads

L.B. Lewis
Any Writers


goldfish swimming
Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay

Goldfish have a longer attention span than humans. It’s been proven.

I’ll make this short since it is about SMALL TALK.

I wrote SMALL TALK WITH MYSELF during the pandemic years of 2020–21. It was published in August of 2021 and was a #1 New Release on Amazon in Humor and Entertainment Short Reads.

It’s a memoir about living through the pandemic as a single woman in Oakland, California. I was happy people, especially those at Amazon, got my humor. And, understood it was supposed to be short, too. They estimate 45 minutes, but you can tell me after you read it…

I chose yellow for the cover because it represents the sun to me. And, it’s known to be the color of optimism and creativity. It was also the color of my room growing up.

In short, I went back in my life to go forward.

SMALL TALK WITH MYSELF is a collection of memories that came up while quarantining alone at home. From the events of 9/11 to the 400 virtual events I attended during the pandemic, my life hasn’t been dull.

I not only give the reader a look into my life but also my Oakland neighborhood. Fans say they identify with “The Laundromat Club” and it’d be nice to do a book event at a laundromat, one day…

But I digress.

I know Americans are reading less these days. That’s a fact. But as we’re looking for healing and new ways to recover, reading has been shown to reduce stress. Then, there’s the old saying that laughter is the best medicine.

So, why not buy my Amazon short read and read and laugh at the same time? You might have something more interesting to say next time you make small talk.

Find reviews of my pandemic book on Goodreads, Amazon, and Reader’s Favorite.



L.B. Lewis
Any Writers

Author of SMALL TALK WITH MYSELF, a 2022 Official Selection of Catalyst Festival and #1 Amazon book. Views are my own. Founder: MonteCristoStudio.com.