Writers can earn $50 to $1000+ Per Article

Are you aware?

Unique Writer
Ajaay Goyel Writes…
2 min readSep 9, 2019


Photo by Susan Yin on Unsplash

I have been noticing Writers struggling for more than a decade. About 10 years ago, there were a lot of websites, which were offering platforms to write content and earn money.

But, were those websites good enough? I mean were you earning a good amount on those websites?

Definitely Not!!

Have Writers learned about other big opportunities?

Yes, some hi-profile writers we admire for a long time, succeeded in connecting with such clients, and earning a liveable wage. Not only Publications, but there are other clients, usually running their own websites, wherein they pay you $50 to $1000+ Per Article!!

YES!! You read me right, Per Article!!

I’ve myself earned from $50 up to $100 per article.

Such clients ask you to send them a pitch or even a full article, after reading their specifications, and if they like your pitch or article, they publish it on their website and pay you the amount, which is mentioned on their website, which is usually between $50 to $1000+.

Of course, topics are different, from Finance to Entrepreneurship, from personal to professional, from relationships to family, from love to managing home and/or parenting, travel to stay at home mom, work outside to freelancing at home, writing to sports, politics to people, news to poetry, and so on and so forth…

Almost every topic and/or field is provided to write on.

How many of you are aware of it?

I think, most of you might be unaware. I chatted with my new Writer friend Sherry McGuinn on Medium today, she is a famous and a great writer on Medium, but even she doesn’t know about it, really surprising for me.

