How To Test Your Startup Idea In Three Simple Steps

AnyaUp Creatives and Marketing
3 min readNov 17, 2017


Got a startup idea? Or trying to find out which direction to go for your current startup? Great news! We have three simple steps that can save you $$$, and most importantly, months, if not years of your life.

Step One: Build a landing page

Simple enough — assume that your product will be launching soon, build a site that people can visit and sign up.


  • Be simple. Your landing page should be clean and modern-looking.
  • Have a CTA. Make sure you have Call To Action for your visitors, so they are not wasting their time coming to your site. Your CTA could be a simple “sign up” or “pre-order”. Be creative.​
  • Want it done nice and fast? You can order Anya Up’s express web building service.

Step Two: Run a Facebook campaign

Know your potential customers already? Run a Facebook campaign, pick a city, choose the age, gender, languages, interests and behaviors of your audience.


  • Spend minimum budget. We suggest starting with $5 a day.
  • Choose a focus group, one at a time. Pick one focus audience or testing group, one at a time. Don’t try to test everything.
  • Use keywords and the options Facebook provide. For example, if you are a tours and activities company like this one, you can target people “who are traveling” and are interested in “tours”. ​​​​
  • Want professional help to achieve the best result with your budget? Check out Anya Up’s professional Facebook Ad Campaign Management Service.

Step Three: Collect and analyze your data

Now, all you need to do is to see how people are reacting to your “product”. Basically, validating your assumption.


  • Don’t be afraid of failures. Most importantly, you are learning something new and adapting in this practice.
  • Leverage Google Analytics. Google Analytics is the best tool to track your site traffic from the campaign.
  • Use the data you collected to navigate your decision making process.

“If we have data, let’s look at data. If all we have are opinions, let’s go with mine.” — Jim Barksdale, CEO of Netscape

Closing remark:

After going through the above three steps, you will have a pretty good idea whether you should proceed with your project, or try something new. It is the cheapest way to test your assumptions. Remember, assumptions are not facts. Validate and repeat until it is proven a good idea!

Author: Luke Peng, CEO of Anya Up. We provide services such as express website building and Facebook campaigns services, check out the express shop here.



AnyaUp Creatives and Marketing

Providing effective marketing solutions to grow your business.