August Newsletter — Cerberus

Patrick McCorry
Published in
3 min readJul 30, 2019
Sergi Delgado, Salvatore Ingala, Chris Buckland and Patrick McCorry

At PISA Research, our goal is to build the missing components for an off-chain, open-source, global and permissionless financial system. Over the past few years, we have assisted in setting the foundation for off-chain scalability and now our task is to ensure that crypto, via off-chain, will be adopted by billions of users.

👷👷👷👷 Implementation Update 👷👷👷👷

One thing we must make clear:

The PISA we are implementing, compared to PISA in the white paper, is a VERY different protocol.

We have essentially designed a new accountable watching protocol that extends beyond supporting just state channels. It is still based on the underlying principle of locking up collateral and holding the watching service financially accountable, but PISA is now a general watch-response system:

  • Eventual delivery: PISA will deliver a transaction between time t1 and t2.
  • Completing 2-step protocols: PISA will watch for a general event and respond within a given time period if necessary.

Thus PISA is so much more useful than just off-chain protocols.

  • Have you sent a sealed bid to an on-chain auction, but do not want to stay online to reveal it? Hire PISA
  • Do you need a financially accountable meta-transaction relayer to avoid paying gas? Hire PISA
  • As a merchant — do you want to accept 0-confirmation transactions and pass the liability onto someone else? Hire PISA

In the coming months, we plan to provide an in-depth technical writeup for the new accountable responder protocol (Cerberus). But right now — we are just building, building, building — to make sure we ship and get it into the hands of users.

A quick update for the Bitcoin development front — we have an alpha watching service for the lightning network. So if you want to try it out, get in touch!

🎉🎉🎉🎉 Advances in Financial Technologies 🎉🎉🎉🎉

An emerging ACM conference organised by a killer-team of academics, it is set as the first top-tier conference to showcase rigorous designs and developments for cryptocurrencies.

We are proud to have two papers accepted by the program committee:

It helps confirm that our work is indeed state-of-the-art, novel and pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved.

Also — want to catch up with us and find out more?

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Patrick McCorry
Editor for

In-house Professor @ Infura. Sometimes called stonecoldpat ☘️