Functional Programming at AnyJunk

Daniele Turi
Published in
1 min readNov 12, 2017
Lambda @ CWI

At AnyJunk we are a building logistics platform using Scala/Cats for the back-end and React/Redux for the front-end.

As a team, we are very fond of types and pure functional programming. We will explain why in a series of stories, and hopefully help demystify things like monads and category theory in general.

Before that, here is the stack we use at AnyJunk.


  • Scala to program
  • Cats for: traversing Option, Future, and Seq/List monads; handling errors with ValidationNel; executing in parallel with Applicative.
  • Akka HTTP for our RESTful API
  • Circe to handle JSON
  • Slick 3 to talk to our db
  • Kafka and Monix for queues
  • and a little bit of Shapeless when convenient


