Colorful main section, Fade in animation | Module Monday 71

Open source mods

Tyler Warnock
2 min readFeb 11, 2020


Mods are modules that can be used on any website, web app, or anywhere else. There are hundreds more like these built & shared on AnyMod.

Click a mod to see it along with its source code.

Phantom main

A main content section based on the Phantom theme.
View mod

Fade in hero section

Fades and translates into place when the page loads.
View mod

Overlay traveler

A circular overlay that elegantly moves out of the way when closed.
View mod

Fractal theme footer

A subtle reusable footer based on the Fractal theme.
View mod

Responsive call to action (CTA)

Image underlay with buttons that look great at any angle.
View mod

I post new mods from the community here every (Module) Monday — I hope you find them useful!

Happy coding ✌️

