Multi-language switcher, Client carousel | Module Monday 65

Multi-language and more

Tyler Warnock
2 min readNov 25, 2019


This week AnyMod introduced a feature for i18n (internationalization) that allows mod content to be in different languages, with easy switching. 🎉

As always, these modules can be used on any website, web app, or anywhere else. There are hundreds more like these built & shared on AnyMod.

Click a mod to see it along with its source code.

Multi-language picker

Set up content versions and switch between them easily.
View mod

Client carousel

Showcase your clients or technologies with a responsive slider.
View mod

Icon section

Editable content and icons to highlight your features.
View mod

Instagram post embed

Easily add your post to any page.
View mod

Image cards

Pre-styled content and images with call to action.
View mod

I post new mods from the community here every (Module) Monday — I hope you find them useful!

Happy coding ✌️

