Scrollspy, Alternate cards, Learn more | Module Monday 68

Open source modules

Tyler Warnock
2 min readJan 27, 2020


Mods can be used on any website, web app, or anywhere else. There are hundreds more like these built & shared on AnyMod.

Click a mod to see it along with its source code.


These header links automatically highlight when you scroll or click.
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Alternating content sections

Add content that automatically alternates for a professional looks.
View mod

Animated button

Expands on hover for a nice effect.
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Hover cards

Slight zoom when you hover over these card image links.
View mod

Dark footer

Reuseable footer with social linmks.
View mod

I post new mods from the community here every (Module) Monday — I hope you find them useful!

Happy coding ✌️

