3 ChatGPT Prompts to Enhance Content Writing: The Complete Guide

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V. Sadhve Krishnamurthy
Anyone Can Write Online
5 min readAug 10, 2024


While using AI for Content Writing has become very common, so has using ChatGPT for almost all the problems in your life. Agreed?

A Woman Prompting in ChatGPT(Image Credit: Pixabay)

So, why not use it to enhance your content rather than to create one?

Having taken a course on Prompt Engineering, I have gathered my learnings to compose effective prompts in ChatGPT that will extract useful insights and enhance the quality of the content.

Cutting straight to the point, here are the three prompts I chalked out and used in ChatGPT while curating my recent post — Is Math a Discovery or an Invention?

Obviously, you can use them on any LLM of your choice.

1. Fact-Checking

Fact Checker Input Screenshot

Ready-to-use Prompt :

Act as a fact checker. You will check whether the facts mentioned in my blog post are true and accurate. If you find discrepancies, mark/highlight them with suggested corrections, OR if they are true, give a website link to refer to the truthfulness. And rate the overall blog post for fact truthfulness on a scale 10. Are you ready?

Output for the Fact-Checking Prompt

Fact Checker Output Screenshot

Tip: You can credit the blog/content with the tag — “Fact-checked by ChatGPT” to increase the reliability.

2. Engagement Rating

Ready-to-use Prompt:

Act like a Grammarly tool and rate this blog in terms of engagement on a scale of 10. Provide detailed feedback with tips to improve.

Engagement Rating Input Screenshot

Output of Engagement Rating Prompt

Engagement Rating Output Screenshot


The most important takeaway from my Prompt Engineering course is that you need to keep refining and digging. Extend the conversation with the LLM and drill down to a minute level of detailing.

Once you get an answer to your question, do not stop there. Go further and keep improving the question, add more details, or get back to it with a better response based on the scenario.

So, in this case, I returned to ChatGPT and re-submitted my edited blog post for further review. Here is how (what) exactly I did

Iteration of the previous prompts screenshot

Therefore, it gave detailed feedback on the edited blog. Below are the corresponding screenshots of the output.

Outputs for Iteration of the previous Prompts

Iteration of Prompts: Output 1 screenshot
Iteration of Prompts: Output 2 screenshot

Note that the Engagement Rating is higher, and the Fact checker output stated no specific corrections except general ones. This feedback shows that I have made the suggested changes and improved the quality of the content.

It boosted my confidence as well. Let us jump to the next prompt.

3. Image linking

Ready-to-use Prompt:

Suggest 5 pictures to insert in this blog, to make it more interesting. Make sure it is evenly distributed under various sections across the post. Give the full website link address for the images. Please prefer images from Royalty-free sites like Unsplash, Pixabay. Alternatively, suggest AI platforms/tools to create suitable picture if readily available pictures are not apt.

Image Linking Prompt Screenshot

Output for Image Linking Prompt

Image Linking Prompt Continued

Thanks for coming this far! Here is a bonus prompt as my token of appreciation☺

4. Bonus: Schedule planner

Ready-to-use Prompt:

I am writing this blog for the [Platform/Industry] audience. E.g., LinkedIn Audience. Based on the subject and content, give me 5 scheduling options for best outreach.

Schedule Planner Prompt Screenshot

Output for Schedule Planner Prompt

Schedule Planner Prompt Continued

Here again, ChatGPT surprised me by asking for the choice of additional advice. I assumed the response would only consist of a list of 5 apt timing for scheduling the post, but this tail question intrigued me to answer “Yes”.

So, it further elaborated on the schedule with the rationale behind the chosen time slot. This was an interesting add-on to me from ChatGPT as a bonus!


AI is undoubtedly a powerful tool. But it should be used to simplify your work and not substitute your mind, thinking or efforts.

Hence, use AI mindfully for content writing.

I have shared the tried and tested prompts from my personal experience. Feel free to tweak them according to your thoughts or requirements and let me know in the comments what changes you did or you think can be done.

The key idea is to encourage a long-tail conversation with the LLMs like ChatGPT rather than shutting off with a simple question and answer. Keep engaging, keep breaking down, keep adding details, and keep questioning more and more.

ChatGPT (Image Credit: Pixabay)

And always remember, LLMs are still an evolving technology trained with limited data. So, they are not completely reliable. You need to break down every possible detail in your prompt to extract more accurate information and it’s always better to cross-check the data.

Happy Writing!



V. Sadhve Krishnamurthy
Anyone Can Write Online

Nicheless writer + Limitless Exploration = Endless Posts. Striving to balance this equation as I pen anything that intrigues me. (Coffee to AI ) Encapsulated !