8 Realistic Ways to grow your blogging income fast in 2023

Anyone Can Write Online
5 min readDec 31, 2022

So, your blog isn’t money any money yet? Or perhaps it’s earning a few dollars monthly, enough to buy you a cup of coffee, eh?

Deep down, you wish you could be making $100, $1000, $10,000, or more passive income monthly. I know that feeling.

There’s good money to be made online whether you will sell a product, service, or both. According to the Convertkit creator report 2022, 22% of full-time content creators earn $50,000–150,000 annually.

Bloggers are among the creators reaping such hefty amounts online. I’ve come across many blogs earning $1m+ annually. Below is one listed on FE International (blog selling platform).

The site makes a whopping $2.3M gross income/year. That’s proof blogging pays well.

In this guide, we will discuss realistic ways to grow your blogging income.

Create the Best Content

Top-notch content is the pillar of any successful blog. Your audience needs engaging yet actionable articles that fire them to take action. Here are some benefits of creating great content:

  • Builds trust with your audience
  • Make readers use your CTAs
  • Reduce bounce rates
  • Turns customers into loyal fans

So, how do you create high-quality content?

Though easier said than done, below are some tips to help you create the best content:

  • Address your customers’ pain points
  • Give your audience actionable takeaways in each subsection
  • Make your content clear and concise
  • Proofread your guides twice before publishing
  • Be personal, e,g., through storytelling

You’ll hook readers to your blog, keeping them coming back for more. Additionally, authoritative sites in your niche can link to your articles, boosting your rankings over time.

Market Your Blog Heavily

Capitalizing on more than one marketing channel is one surefire way to get more leads and sales online.

According to a report by HubSpot, 92% of marketer use at least one than one marketing channel. 81% leveraged on more than three channels in 2022.

Don’t put your eggs in one basket. I used to do SEO only before one of my sites got hit badly.

Now I diversify my traffic sources to proof my blogging income from algorithm updates. Do the same. For instance, use SEO and at least one social media marketing channel to market your brand.

Your readership will grow if you do your marketing right. And if one of your traffic sources gets hits, you’ll still get visitors while working on recovering the lost traffic.

Improve Your Conversions

Some bloggers prefer creating new content to optimizing old posts. They lose a lot of money in the process.

If your site gets traffic but the conversions are low, slow down with posting and improve the existing guides. Below are some ways to skyrocket your conversions:

  • Make your guides more persuasive or hire an experienced copywriter to rewrite them
  • Improve content readability. Use short sentences, paragraphs, and bullet points in your guides, etc.
  • Optimize your call to actions. Make them clear and understandable. Also, A/B test multiple CTAs, and then use the ones bringing in the highest conversions.
  • Update existing content. Rework your guides to meet user intent. Fact-check them for any errors.

Last, improve the technical side of your site, like website speed and linking, to better user experience.

Hire a Growth Marketer

Growth marketers help blog owners scale their traffic and income. They use data-driven campaigns to attract, engage and retain customers.

A seasoned growth marketing consultant will give you insights on ways to scale your blog’s traffic and income.

Alternatively, the marketer can execute multiple digital strategies for you — testing and optimizing them to identify the ones that will deliver long-term business results.

Tip: hire a growth marketer with experience growing blogs in your niche to increase the chances of scaling your blog revenue.

Explore Additional Income Streams

Display advertisement is the first monetization method that came to my mind when my first site got traffic. It’s easy to execute, and that’s why bloggers love it. According to a creator report by Social Media Examiner, most creators earn money from ads.

Source: Social Media Examiner

However, we often over-rely on one monetization method, be it ads, affiliate marketing, selling products, etc.

Diversifying your income sources is the key to growing your net blogging income and spreading risks.

If your site makes $200 via affiliate marketing, join an ad network like Ezoic, paying around $10/1000 visits. You’ll make an extra $500/month if your website gets 50,000 visitors.

Note: you can use as many blog monetization methods as you prefer. Adam Enfroy, a top blogger, earns from affiliate marketing, displays ads, and selling educational resources. I’m certain he also does private brand partnerships.

Outsource Content Creation

Content creation is time-consuming and draining for solo bloggers. You might burn out fast or take years to grow your blogging income.

The good news is you can build your blog quickly and effortlessly by outsourcing content creation. More companies are now embracing the trend. According to a report by Content Marketing Institute, several large companies outsource their content creating needs today compared to 2019 (75% vs. 71%)

Hire experienced writers to work for you. Here’s where to outsource content:

  • Freelance content writers. Find them on platforms like Upwork and Fiverr.
  • Content marketing agency. Get recommendations from your blogging friends or look for an agency specializing in creating content in your niche.
  • Job boards. Post your ads on Pro Blogger, Peak Freelance, etc.

Tip: give your writers detailed content briefs to guide them to create the best content for you.

Own Your Audience

New search engine and social media algorithm updates can make you lose your traffic overnight. What will be left of your blog if you have no visitors?

But if you own your audience, no platform can steal them. You can contact your subscribers anytime, encouraging them to return to your site.

Start building your email list today. Use the data from the reporting tool to optimize your marketing campaigns and boost your conversions.

Network with Other Bloggers

Blog partnerships are profitable. Bloggers in your niche should be your friends, not competitors. Below is how you can benefit from the pros:

  • Tap into their audience to grow your readership
  • Request them for guest posting opportunities
  • Ask them to link to your content when guest posting on other sites
  • Advice you on what to focus on in your niche.

Pro tip: join a good blogging community where people discuss everything blogging. I’ve been getting some cool blogging tips from r/blogging on Reddit.

Ready to Grow Your Blogging Income?

Building a successful blog is easier than it seems. We only overcomplicate the process.

You will make your blog profitable if you implement the lessons above. Take action today. Soon, you will start building new blogs to diversify your blogging income.



Anyone Can Write Online

I help solo bloggers build profitable blogs. For freelance writing services (antonyhiggins700@gmail.com). Open to new opportunities.