Anyone Can Write a Powerful Ten-word Story

You just have to make an effort!

Jerry Dwyer
Anyone Can Write Online


closeup of a person’s hands holding a red cell phone. You can also tell that this person has long black sleeves, is sitting on a blue quilt and has long blond hair. The face and neck are cut off.
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

There’s a ten-word story challenge that’s been going around Medium the last few weeks.

I got tagged by Rosy Gee. Her story can be found here. The title of her story is “It’s the Unwritten Words that Make This Challenge so Interesting.” And she writes in her article

It’s all the unanswered questions that make this challenge so intriguing

So, I accepted the challenge and here’s my entry:

Hey, did you hear what happened to Sam last night?

If you read Rosy’s post and then click on who tagged her and keep on going, you will eventually find who started this challenge. And you will find a lot more ten-word stories.

Would you like to read a couple more of mine?

OK, I was researching gun violence the other day and came up with this one:

No arms, no mind, no reason, but got shot anyway.

And I was watching a baseball game on Friday night, July 15th. The San Francisco Giants were playing the Milwaukee Brewers and my Giants were losing 5 to 2 and time was running out. Then came the tremendous inning and I came up with this one:

Inning nine, homer one, homer two, bases three, grand slam!

OK, one more. I was watching a discussion recently on cable news about our former president and the famous 187 minutes on January 6, 2021, and came up with this one:

Eat, stay, watch, cheer, tweet, shout, ignore, throw, call Rudy.

Finally, to keep this challenge going, I am tagging these five Medium writers:
Rebecka Rose Gary L Ellis Rodrigo S-C Judy Derby Indigo

OK, now it’s your turn. I guess you can just start writing and stop at ten words. But I would encourage you to put in a little more effort than that!

Remember in this challenge the unwritten words make the story.



Jerry Dwyer
Anyone Can Write Online

I read books and then travel to places I read about. And I bring my camera with me.