Does The New Tipping Feature On Medium Mean Writers Are Going To Be Paid Less By Medium (MPP)?

Hmmm, I wonder…

Wellness Xplora
Anyone Can Write Online


Photo by Mediamodifier on Unsplash

I’m sure you know this by now, Medium is testing out a new tipping feature. I don’t know if this feature is available to everyone just yet. My suspicion is it might be in a testing “beta” phase.

This new feature will allow writers to receive tips from their readers.

Some writers are thrilled to have this new feature as it creates an opportunity for writers to earn more from their writing.

Personally, I’m a bit skeptical about this new feature!

The last time Medium rolled out a new feature like this, like the subscription-based program (where writers earn a percentage whenever users sign up with their links) Medium writers’ incomes were slashed significantly.

Is this new tipping feature another ploy to reduce how much writers directly earn from the Medium Partner Program?

Are writers now going to have to rely on tips from their readers? Instead of being paid decently by Medium?



Wellness Xplora
Anyone Can Write Online

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